Standard Chartered Update Address, Updating your current address with your credit card provider is very important. If you have a Standard Chartered Bank credit card, you might receive important documents like your monthly statements via post from time to time. If you have not updated your residential address with Standard Chartered, you might not receive the letters sent to you by the bank. Check if you have updated your mailing address with your bank and if you haven’t, read on to know how to update it.
Online Process To Change The Address Of Communication For Standard Chartered Credit Cards
You can change your mailing address with Standard Chartered Bank online through your netbanking account. However, in order to change your mailing address online, you will have to provide a unique additional eTAC. Standard Chartered Bank has a Second Factor Authentication (2FA) system where cardholders will be asked to enter the unique code (eTAC) that will be sent to the cardholder’s registered mobile number. This is in addition to the netbanking username and password set by the cardholder.
To change your mailing address online, follow the steps below:
- Login to your Standard Chartered netbanking account(
- Under your profile details, you will be allowed to change your mailing address
- Enter the new address
- Enter the eTAC code sent to your registered mobile number in the space provided
- Upload address proof document
- Click on “Submit”
Offline Process To Change The Residential Address For Standard Chartered Credit Cards
You can also change your mailing address offline by visiting the nearest Standard Chartered Bank branch. You will be asked to fill out a declaration form and submit it with an address proof document. You cannot drop the declaration form at any Standard Chartered Bank drop-box as the bank prefers the cardholder to be physically present in order to change the mailing address. The bank executive will verify your identity before changing your mailing address.
How to download the declaration form to change the address of correspondence for Standard Chartered credit cards?
If you wish to download the declaration form and fill it out before visiting the bank, you can do so by visiting You will be asked to enter your credit card number, full name, the correct mailing address, your nationality, PAN number, and other personal details. Submit the duly signed declaration form at any Standard Chartered Bank with the supporting documents to change your address.
Documents Required To Change The Address Of Communication For Standard Chartered Credit Cards
- Passport
- Telephone bill
- Electricity bill
- Ration card
- Life insurance policy
- Medical insurance policy
- Apartment allotment letter
- Rental agreement
The Necessity Of Changing The Communication Address For Standard Chartered Credit Cards
- If there is any change in the terms and conditions of your credit card or if the interest rate is revised, Standard Chartered Bank will send you a notification letter to your mailing address. If you have updated your correct mailing address, you will not receive important communication mails sent by the bank.
- If you lose your credit card and apply for a duplicate credit card or an add-on card, the new card will be sent to the address as per the bank’s records. If the correct mailing address is not updated, you will not receive your card.
- Updating the correct mailing address helps your credit card provider communicate with you easily.
- You can get your credit card statements to be sent to your mailing address every month. It is very important to review your statements as it helps you manage your finances better.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding change of address of correspondence for Standard Chartered credit cards
1. How do I contact Standard Chartered Bank credit card Helpline Number department?
Standard Chartered Bank has multiple Helpline numbers. Visit to find out the correct number depending in the city you are calling from. Also, you can find the Helpline number on the back of your credit card. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also send a letter via post to Standard Chartered Bank, Customer Care Unit, 19 Rajaji Salai, Chennai- 600001.
2. How do I get Standard Chartered online banking access using my credit card details?
Please visit to register for Standard Chartered Bank online banking using your credit card. To get your login credentials, you should have the registered mobile number with you as the bank will send you a One-Time Password to register your account successfully.
3. How do I retrieve my online banking password if I forget it?
You can reset your online banking password in few seconds. Please visit and follow the instructions. You will be asked to enter your debit/credit card number and the respective PIN with the date of expiry and the CVV2 number. You can also request for a new password to be mailed to your mailing address.