There are various ways you can pay your fees. Learn about the different methods on this page.
New international students
If you have applied to study at Victoria University of Wellington you need to pay your fees before you arrive in New Zealand to meet the conditions of your student visa.
When to pay
You must pay your fees in full or check your eligibility for free fees before courses begin. For the majority of students studying in Trimester 1 2020 this date will be Friday 28 February 2020. When enrolling in courses after this date, fees are due upon enrolment.
If you are unable to pay your fees by the due date, contact [email protected].
Ways to pay
Pay online using our Payment Portal.
Accepted online payment methods include Account2Account, Visa/MasterCard, and Western Union, including UnionPay.
Payment by a third party
A third party, such as a family member or employer, can use the payment portal to pay your fees on your behalf. You must first use the payment portal to generate a payment request by selecting ‘third party payment request’ as your payment method, then send the payment request to the third party.
Internet banking
ANZ Bank New Zealand account number 06-0606-0100241-00. Use your Student ID number and name as reference.
Paying by student loan
Apply for your student loan online at
You are responsible for ensuring your student loan is approved by StudyLink before your fees are due. We recommend you apply for your loan as early as possible to reduce the risk of your loan being approved late.
Eligibility for Fees-Free
You must confirm your eligibility for the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to pay your fees on your behalf by visiting
You are responsible for ensuring your Fees-Free eligibility is confirmed before your fees are due.
Paying by instalments
Domestic students enrolled in at least two courses in at least two trimesters may request to pay their fees in by instalments. To arrange this, contact the student fees advisers.
If you are a first year international student or are paying by student loan, you cannot pay by instalments.
Failure to pay in full
Late payment penalty
If fees are not paid by the due date, a late payment penalty of $154 will be charged to your account. If you cannot make payment by the due date, you must contact the Student Fee Advisers.
Non-payment of fees, ceasing to attend, or verbally advising a member of staff will not be accepted as notice of withdrawal.
Your enrolment
If you do not pay, you will be unable to enrol in other courses, receive a transcript or academic certificate or have a degree conferred. The University reserves the right to temporarily cancel a student’s enrolment until the fees are paid in full. If fees remain unpaid, we may refer your debt to a debt collection agency.
Student visa
International students with unpaid fees may have their student visa with Victoria University of Wellington cancelled. Notification of this will be sent to Immigration New Zealand.
Student ID cards
Your Student ID card will only be issued or updated if your fee payments are up to date or if your student loan has been approved. This is important as you need your ID card to use the Library, access Halls of Residence, access the Student Computing Suites after hours, access discounts, and other student services.