Victoria University Of Wellington Doctor

The Mauri Ora (Student Health and Counselling) team provide a range of services to help students manage their physical and mental wellbeing while at university.


In response to COVID-19, changes have been made to GP, nurse, and counsellor appointments and prescription medication services.

Doctor and nurse appointments

Our dedicated team of doctors and nurses provide primary medical care as well as health education and promotion.

Counselling appointments

How to make a counselling appointment at Mauri Ora and what to expect when you see a counsellor.

Student Support Coordinators

Our committed team of SSC’s provide support to students residing in University Halls of Residence. How to make an appointment and find out more about the team.

Specialist clinical services

Student Health offers a number of different specialist services. We can arrange appointments on campus, or point you in the right direction.

Accessing gender-affirming healthcare

Our health and counselling (Mauri Ora) teams can provide advice and support for gender-affirming healthcare.

Online prescription request

You must complete our online form to order a prescription of medication.

Help at exam time

Sickness, injury or serious personal circumstances may significantly affect your ability to take exams or assessments. Learn about the support we provide.

Doctor and nurse appointments

Our dedicated team of doctors and nurses provide primary medical care as well as health education and promotion.

Important update—COVID-19

Alert level 2 Mauri Ora—Student Health

With the change in alert levels, Mauri Ora is resuming infection control and distancing precautions.

What this means:

  • We are delivering the majority of our Health services online or by phone.
  • If you have an appointment currently booked, you may be contacted to advise that this will no longer take place in person.
  • Both Kelburn and Pipitea Mauri Ora remain open, however access to the waiting rooms will be restricted to those who are advised they need to come to an in-person appointment.
  • If you have one, please wear a mask to your appointment. If you are advised to come in, you must phone and let us know in advance if you have any symptoms—a cough, runny/blocked nose, sore throat, fever, or are newly breathless.
  • If you are concerned or feeling unwell, call 04 463 5308 or your usual GP if you are not enrolled at Student Health.
  • Please be mindful that we are currently experiencing unprecedented demand and call wait times may be increased.


  • You can continue to book routine phone appointments with your GP by calling 04 463 5308.
  • Telephone triage remains available for urgent on-the-day requests.
  • In-person services such as immunisations, ongoing depo contraception, B12 & testosterone injections, and cervical smears can be booked by support staff directly by calling 04 463 5308.
  • Prescription requests for your medication should continue to be requested using the Student Health (Mauri Ora) online form.

Some tips if you need to come in

  • Tell us if you have a cough, runny/blocked nose, sore throat, fever or are newly breathless. If you have any of these symptoms, do not come to Mauri Ora without phoning first.
  • If you have a mask, wear it.
  • Try not to arrive early for your appointment, to keep time spent at Mauri Ora to a minimum.
  • If you do arrive early for your appointment, wait outside if you can. Don’t enter the building until the time of your appointment.
  • Check in with the support staff member at the door.
  • You may be asked to wait outside, so dress for the weather and respect physical distancing. Your clinician may call you for further information.
  • Use the hand sanitiser on entry.
  • Remember to keep a distance of 1 metre—some parts of the waiting room will be blocked off.

We understand that this continues to be a worrying time for all students, particularly those with high health needs. Please contact us if you have any concerns about your health or wellbeing—call 04 463 5308.

At Student Health we continue to enrol new patients, so if you are a current student and haven’t yet registered you can do so on our website.

We will continue to provide updated information on our website and on social media channels.

Ngā manaakitanga