University Of Waikato Webmail

The general use and misuse of computer systems is covered within the University’s Computer Systems Regulations and Staff Code of Conduct. This document provides a framework for “best practice” in the use of email within the University of Waikato.

General Standards of Use

Email is a forum which could be compared to a conversation. Anything that would not be acceptable in a public arena is not acceptable in email. Similarly, with the ability of messages to be forwarded in whole or part, the sender should be aware that part or parts of a message or messages could be taken out of context and appear inflammatory.

Email should conform to standards as described in the Staff Code of Conduct. In particular, email from University facilities should not be used for:

  1. the creation, storage or transmission of any objectionable communications
  2. the creation, storage or transmission of material of a threatening, discriminatory or harassing nature
  3. continued, unwanted email which the recipient has requested that you do not send
  4. the creation, storage or transmission of illegal or defamatory material
  5. the creation, storage or transmission of material that brings the University into disrepute
  6. the use of impolite terms or language, including offensive or condescending terms
  7. The sharing or distribution of material in breach of copyright.

The University Management investigates all email complaints and will exercise its discretion in judging reasonable bounds within the above standards for acceptability of email communications.


Users should be aware that email can be a less private form of communication than many people may think. The ease with which messages can be forwarded to other people both inside and outside of the University means that any email (no matter how confidential it was intended to be) has the potential of being read by any number of eyes.

Copies of emails are stored on University archive systems. They are not readily accessible and will generally only be retrieved when dealing with a complaint or a breach of the University’s regulations. Email archives may also be used to meet legal requests under the Official Information Act or from the Police.

Personal Use

It is accepted that University email services may be used for personal communications. Limited, occasional or incidental personal use is permitted when such use, in the judgement of the supervisor of the user, does not generate a significant cost to the University.

Personal use must not be of a commercial nature, or for any other form of personal financial gain.

Mailing Lists

Official mailing lists should be used when a number of people are routinely being emailed. In such cases, this is preferred to the use of personal lists or the bulk mailing of large numbers of people directly.

Mailing lists, as with the email system itself, should not be used illegally or for purposes that breach University Policy (e.g. unsolicited emails, spam, advertising, etc.).

No person may be added to a mailing list without their prior consent unless the mailing list is set up for official University business.

With a few rare exceptions, users must be permitted to remove themselves from mailing lists should they so desire. The exceptions are those lists the University maintains as a means of enabling rapid notification to cohorts of staff.

Each mailing list must have an administrator – someone who accepts responsibility for the management and maintenance of that list and who can be contacted in the event of any problems.

For more information on mailing lists contact the ITS Helpdesk.

All Staff / All Student Emails

The University does not permit the sending of all-staff or all-student emails, other than by authorised staff in specific circumstances, e.g. for general University-wide communications and emergency notifications. There are two main reasons for this. The first is system performance. Such emails have the effect of seriously degrading the performance of the email system, particularly when dealing with exceptions. The second reason is to protect staff and students from spam. Where bulk emails are required, these should be handled by mailing lists that users can choose to subscribe to.

Viruses / Attachments

The University provides virus protection software for all university computers. This must be installed and kept up to date. For more details, contact the ITS Helpdesk.

Users must take all reasonable precautions to prevent the receipt and transmission by email of computer viruses. In particular, users must not transmit by email any file attachments which they know to be infected with a virus and must not open any suspicious file attachments from unsolicited or not to be trusted sources without prior consultation with the University’s ITS Division. Contact the ITS Helpdesk in the first instance.

Records Retention

Emails relating to University business are often used in place of other written communication. As such, it is important for this information to be available to other University personnel if required. It is advisable to retain copies of important emails that have been either sent or received. These should be filed in a manner that is consistent with your School or Division’s filing of paper correspondence.

Commitments made by email do have some legal standing. There have been situations where people have entered into agreements by email, then left the University. Later, the contracting party has come back with a printed email (which could just as easily have been faked) which may or may not bind the University.

Student Email

Gmail allows for an unparalleled flexibility and capacity: all you need is a web browser and internet access, and you’ll be tapped into all the features that set Gmail apart from other email services. With great collaboration applications included, projects can be coordinated and tackled with ease.

As part of the agreement between the University of Waikato and Google, your email has enhanced privacy, security and comes with full ITS (Information & Technology Services) support.

Great features and benefits of Gmail:

Store – 25 GB of storage space. You will never have to delete any email ever again. Keep everything you want.
Organise – conversations, labeling, and filtering make your inbox intuitive.
Search – just Google it! Use keywords to search your mailbox. 
Less spam – Gmail blocks spam before it gets to your inbox
Conversation view – messages are grouped with the relevant responses, so you can always see messages in context.
On the go – access Gmail from your phone – regardless of which device you use.

Email Address

All students get access to email when they enrol. Your email address will be your username, followed by (e.g. [email protected])

Because Google hosts this account, there’s no expiry date. You’ve got it as long as you want it, this also includes your Google Drive that is attached to your student email account, even after you’ve left the University.

Accessing Your Email

You can check your email through the web interface (Webmail) by going to

The University has accepted the standard Google terms and conditions which include reference to its privacy policy. To access your Gmail account you will need to read and accept the following terms and conditions, and understand the privacy policy.

Mailbox Size

Students have over 25 GB of space available in their mailbox. You can check the size/usage by looking at the bottom of the screen when in the web client.

Forwarding Mail

We do not forward emails. Students set their own forwarding and filters through the Gmail web client.

Waikato Webmail



Computer Labs

Student computer labs are available on both the Hamilton and Tauranga campuses.

Password Security Reminder

From time to time the University may wish to perform maintenance of your account on our systems, but we will NEVER ask you for your password.

Sometimes there are fraudulent emails sent to people asking them to reveal their username and password or other personal details (called Phishing). THESE ARE ALWAYS FRAUDULENT AND SHOULD BE DELETED.

If you are asked to disclose this or other personal information by email, you can report this to the ITS Service Desk at [email protected] by sending them the offending email. If you have disclosed your password to anyone, you should change it immediately or inform the ITS Service Desk.