It’s important to work out how much studying will cost you and how you will pay for study expenses like tuition fees and course-related costs, as well as your living expenses. This means you can get on with what you came to university to do and learn.
Tuition fees
Approximate annual tuition fees and costs for domestic students enrolled in one year of full-time study.
Approximate annual tuition fees and costs for international students enrolled in one year of full-time study.
Use the fees calculator to work out the total cost for your programme of study if you know which papers you are enrolling in.
Paying your fees
Find out the various ways in which you can pay your fees at the University of Waikato.
Student Loans and Student Allowances
Domestic students can apply for Student Loans and Student Allowances offered through StudyLink.
The University of Waikato has many scholarships available to students which can help offset the cost of studying.
Other costs
In addition to your tuition costs you may need to pay some non-tuition fees while you study at the University.
You will need to have sufficient money to cover your accommodation and living costs.
Find out what the costs are for staying at the Halls of Residence or through our Homestay accommodation service.
The Kaimai Shuttle and Regional Bus Services
The Kaimai Shuttle and Waikato and Bay of Plenty regional bus services are provided at no additional cost to students. While the University endeavours to supply these services, the availability of these services is not guaranteed and the University is not responsible for any delay or non-availability.
How to Accept and Pay Fees
We are excited to have you join us at the University of Waikato. Below you will find the steps you need to take to formally accept your offer and pay your fees. These steps differ depending on whether you are starting online or on-campus with us in New Zealand.
Onshore International Students
At the University of Waikato, you accept your offer by paying your tuition fees. You can apply for your student visa before you accept your offer and pay your tuition fees. When Immigration New Zealand provides you with a letter that confirms your visa will be approved (known as AIP or ‘Approval in Principle’), you can accept your offer and pay your tuition fees. Once your payment has been received by the University, you will receive an official receipt that you will use to complete your student visa application. This only applies to students applying from outside New Zealand. Students are not able to enrol at the University of Waikato without a student visa.
Payment options for onshore students:
- Online transfer (preferred)
- Telegraphic transfer
- Bank draft/cheque
Once you have accepted and paid your fees, check out the next steps to completing your enrolment when you join us on campus. Please also refer to the Onshore Student Enrolment Guide for steps on how to accept your offer in MyWaikato.
Find out more about preparing to join us in Hamilton, Tauranga and New Zealand, including applying for or renewing your student visa and arranging accommodation.
Offshore Students Studying Online
To accept your offer, please log into MyWaikato and click ‘Accept Offer’. Once you accept your offer in our application system, the University will advise you of the papers (units/modules) we think you should take in your first trimester studying with us. When you agree to these papers in our system, we will calculate your fees, less any discount.
To complete your enrolment online, you must pay your tuition fees. For more information, please refer to the Offshore/online Student Enrolment Guide.
Payment options for offshore students studying online:
- Credit Card payment
- Online transfer
- Telegraphic transfer
- Bank draft/cheque
Online Transfer with Western Union
Western Union Business Solutions payment portal
Our recommended method of payment is by online transfer using Western Union. We prefer this system because it is a faster, more reliable way for you to pay. Alternative payment options are available.
Why use Western Union?
- You will save money. There are no transfer charges from Western Union Business Solutions for this type of payment.
- It’s easy to use and you can make your payment faster and receive your receipt of payment sooner.
- You can pay in your own currency, but your full payment amount will be made in New Zealand dollars.
- Once you make the payment, the exchange rate is locked in for 72 hours, making sure that the full amount is paid.
- Western Union transfers are safe and reliable.
How to pay with Western Union Business
You can pay from your bank account with a telegraphic transfer or domestic transfer.
Log on by clicking the link below and following the steps to make your payment.
If you need help please email: [email protected]
Please note: Western Union Business Solutions accounts are only for use for international transactions. If you have a New Zealand bank account and wish to transfer money within New Zealand, please see Alternative Payment Options.
Credit Card Payment
If you are an offshore student and you wish to pay your tuition fees for Trimester B by Credit Card, please follow the prompts that you will see in MyWaikato after you click on ‘Accept Enrolment Agreement’.
Alternative payment options
If you cannot make payment using Western Union, alternative payment options are also available:
You can prepay your tuition fees by one of the alternative options below:
- Telegraphic transfer
- Bank draft/cheque
These options may take up to seven working days for the transaction to be tracked and receipted.
Please quote your student identification number and student details within the particulars section of the remittance advice/telegraphic transfer application so that your transfer can be easily tracked.
Please note: you will need to cover any bank fee charges associated with transferring funds. These are often approximately NZD$25.
Bank account for payment
ASB Bank Ltd
Victoria St Branch
New Zealand
Account name: University of Waikato
Account number: 12-3122-0084728-00
Swift No. ASBBNZ 2A
Routing No. ABA02100018
Please note when the Swift No. is entered, the bank address may be listed as:
ASB North Wharf
12 Jellicoe Street
New Zealand
This is ASB’s central bank address in New Zealand and we will still receive the payment from you.
When you have completed the telegraphic transfer application you must also provide a copy of the telegraphic transfer form to the Enrolment Office, via email: [email protected]
Bank draft/cheque
- Either visit the University campus or mail the cheque to the Enrolment Office.
- Please make payable to “University of Waikato“.
- New Zealand based transactions must be made in New Zealand dollars drawn on a New Zealand bank.
- Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for the bank draft/cheque to clear so that a receipt can be issued.
Please note: All payments must include the students’ full name and Student ID number. Where possible, please include a copy of the offer with the payment.
International Students Pre-paid Tuition Fees Policy
View the University of Waikato’s International Students Prepaid Tuition Fees Policy.
Refund of pre-paid tuition fees
There is a specific process that must be followed when applying for a refund of pre-paid tuition fees.
If you need any further queries, please feel free to contact us anytime, we will be happy to help you.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 7 856 2889