An archive set of Examination papers from 1966-2019 is held in Storage on Level 1 ( LG741 .W3A4 ). It may be possible to use this set on request. Please ask at the Level 2 Enquiries Desk in the Student Centre.
Access Exam Papers Online
Exam papers for the last few years are available online in the Exam Paper Collection (students and staff of University of Waikato only).
Confidential Exam Papers
In 2002 a policy change did away with confidential exam papers. Now any exam paper will probably be made available to any University of Waikato student on request.
For all Publishable papers, the student will be able to access the paper and print out copies via the Exam Paper Collection. If a department has reasonable grounds, concerned with efficient administration and/or the integrity of the assessment process, they may deem the paper to be Non-publishable and limit access to the paper.
The student will be given an opportunity to view the paper for 10 or 15 minutes, at the discretion of the Departmental Administrator.
To inspect the paper, please make arrangements with the Departmental Administrator of the relevant academic department. It is a viewing-only arrangement – students are not permitted to make a photocopy of the paper or take any notes.
Help and More Information
If you need more information or assistance within the Library, please ask at a Library Service Point.
2021 Catalogue of Papers
The Catalogue of Papers contains a brief introduction to the subjects and papers to be offered by the University of Waikato. For more information on individual papers offered, please contact the relevant Faculty or School.
Click Here to Search for Papers