University Of Waikato Exam Timetable

Examinations and assessment are governed by the Assessment Regulations which can be found in the University of Waikato Calendar.

You can obtain application forms for all examination processes from the Student Centre, Level 2 of the Library, Gate 5, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton, New Zealand, or from these web pages.

For more information, see the Student Assessment Handbook.

Final grades

Provisional results are available in MyWaikato as soon as the Assessment and Graduation Office receives them from your College/Faculty/School.

Final results are available in MyWaikato once grades have been confirmed; usually about four weeks after the examination period.

The following search links allow you to browse the extensive range of papers offered at Waikato. We provide you with a brief description of the content of each paper currently offered, as well as event times for lectures, tutorials, labs and workshops for each paper.

Teaching activities are scheduled to last 50 minutes and begin on the hour until (and including) 12 noon, and at 10 minutes past the hour from 1:10 p.m. This allows a lunch break of 20 minutes from 12:50 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. for students with continuous teaching activity commitments. Normal teaching hours are between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

When you’ve identified a list of papers you are interested in, you can then prepare a timetable.

Other Information

Further information on using the online timetable is available on the help page.

If you have any questions about your timetable, please contact your School of Study/Faculty. 

Feel free to complete the feedback form if you would like to comment on the design or usability of the Online Timetable.