University Of Otago Moodle

For current students, Moodle provides access to communication tools, course materials, discussion forums, online assessment, and other features to help manage study.

Health Sciences Moodle


Anatomy Student

Which Moodle should I use?

  • Health Sciences Moodle (HSMoodle) is for:
    • General Practice and Rural Health (GENA)
    • Occupational and Aviation Medicine (AVME)
    • Postgraduate Nursing (NURS)
    • Psychological Medicine (NURS and PSME)
    • Public Health (PUBH)
    • Radiation Therapy (RADT)
    • Rehabilitation (RTRU)
    • Sports Medicine (SPME)
    • Other programmes: Check with your course administrator if you’re not sure your course is on HSMoodle
  • MedMoodle is for:
    • ELM medical students
    • ALM medical students (all campuses)
  • Anatomy Student is for students in the Department of Anatomy

Moodle support

Information on Moodle

Moodle is for Health Science students, and provides access to communication tools, course materials, discussion forums, online assessment, and other features to help manage study. The Division of Health Sciences website has more information about who should use Moodle and support should you need it.

Division of Health Sciences – Moodle