University Of Canterbury Physical Education


  • Bachelor of Sport Coaching


The Physical Education major is one of five majors of the Bachelor of Sport Coaching (BSpC) degree, which is a unique blend of practical application and theory that will immerse students in the sociology, science, theory, and practice of sport and sport coaching.

Graduates develop a valuable set of skills including knowledge of human movement; health and physical activity; awareness of the holistic nature of health and movement; interpretive and analytical thinking; and leadership, organisational, and interpersonal skills.

It is a popular major for students wishing to follow a recognised pathway to teaching, in particular physical education and health teaching. It supports and informs learning and skill development in the classroom. There is the option to include an additional teaching subject such as mathematics or science, when combined with a graduate teaching qualification.

Why study Physical Education at UC?

  • In the third year, students will carry out a 120 hour internship, working in a school or professional sporting workplace.
  • The degree also provides a recognised pathway to teaching, in particular physical education, outdoor education and health teaching, with the option to include an additional teaching subject such as mathematics or science, when combined with a graduate teaching qualification.
  • Strong practical elements, including a 120-hour internship in the final year will help motivate students to excel in their chosen field and provide the motivation to seek the job they want. The opportunity to specialise in one other teaching subject will also significantly increase your employability.
  • All sport coaching courses are open to students from other degrees and BSpC students can also study towards a double degree at UC.


UC offers a major in Physical Education as part of the Bachelor of Sport Coaching.

Physical Education major

Students complete these courses throughout their degree for the Physical Education major:


  • HLED 121 Introduction to Health Education
  • SPCO 126 Land Journeys and Ethics


  • EDUC 206 Education and Society: Ideals and Realities
  • SPCO 204 Biomechanics

Plus at least one of:

  • HLED 222 Sexualities Education
  • SPCO 222 Analysis of Expeditioning
  • SPCO 226 Rock Climbing Contexts and Techniques
  • SPCO 227 Paddle Sport Contexts and Techniques


  • EDUC 315 Educating for Diversity
  • SPCO 334 The Body, Movement, and Well-being
  • SPCO 335 Learning through Sport and Exercise Science
  • SPCO 336 Physical Education Curriculum in Action

Double majors

Double majors may be completed in any combination of the majors of the Bachelor of Sport Coaching. For any double major combination, the compulsory degree course SPCO 320 Internship must be in one or more of the major areas.

Physical Education teaching career pathway

Students interested in a career as a secondary school Physical Education (P.E.) teacher can follow their Bachelor of Sport Coaching degree with the one-year Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning to become qualified as an Aotearoa New Zealand teacher.

Career opportunities

The BSpC degree gives students a strong grounding in transferable career skills which are highly valued in the workforce, including leadership, communication, motivation, and teamwork.

Combined with a recognised teaching qualification, physical education opens up career opportunities nationally and internationally. You will gain transferrable skills that enable you to work in a range of jobs including primary and secondary teaching, education management, policy and planning, sports and recreation, community health, local government, and sport development and coaching.

Find out more about what you can do with a degree in Sport Coaching.

Contact us

School of Health Sciences | Te Kura Mātai Hauora

Phone +64 3 369 3333
Email [email protected]

Rehua building – see the School’s website for up-to-date location details.

Postal address
College of Education, Health and Human Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand