The University of Canterbury logo is a distinctive, registered trademark and is protected by the Copyright Act 1994. The logo must not be used, copied or distributed without the prior, specific, written permission of the University of Canterbury.
The UC Marketing team is responsible for managing the University’s brand and logos.
History of the logo
See History of the Coat of Arms (The University website) for background information.
Templates for staff
We have a range of Word and PowerPoint templates available for staff to use on the intranet Word and PowerPoint templates (staff only).
These poster templates are available to students and academics for project and presentation purposes. The integrity of the logo must be protected at all times.
Under no circumstances may the coat of arms be reversed or the logo adapted in any way for use on applications other than these original purposes. Altering a master logo in any way will compromise the integrity of the brand image. We thank you for your cooperation.
- A0_poster.ppt (388KB)
- A1_poster.ppt (385KB)
- A2_poster.ppt (385KB)
- A3_poster.ppt (385KB)
- A4_poster.ppt (385KB)
UC Logos
Correct UC Logo Use
If you have any questions, or for signoff of correct use, please email [email protected].

Correct usage
Use black on white or light coloured background, on darker backgrounds use white.

Incorrect usage
Crest is incorrect, should be transparent/white background in top third of crest and black in bottom two thirds.

Incorrect usage
Do not crop tightly, rotate, use low-res or stretch