University Of Canterbury Business School (Industry and partners)

In a fast changing global environment we recognise the need to develop resilient graduates with the skills and personal attributes required to drive innovation, sustainable growth, and positive social change across Christchurch, New Zealand and beyond.

UC Business School | Te Kura Umanga has extensive connections with industry and our partner businesses benefit from having access to talented graduates for recruitment, postgraduate student projects and internships, tailored programmes for individual companies and professional development courses for busy executives.

Connect with students

UC is a source of talent and our partnerships with forward-thinking organisations are essential to the development of budding entrepreneurs and future business and community innovators

  • Partner with us to create individual or group projects for our students.
  • Share your expertise as a guest speaker.
  • Volunteer as a mentor our students.

Find talented employees

We provide opportunities to recruit the best students and recent graduates to your business.

  • Send your recruitment message directly to students through our CareerHub –
  • Raise your profile at careers fairs, events, and employer information sessions.

Stay up to date with industry insights

UC’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) are designed to support busy professionals to enhance their careers.

  • Learn from leading business minds at our speaker series.
  • Talk to us about tailoring programmes to meet your professional development needs.

Collaborate with world-class experts

Draw on the expertise of our people and utilise our specialist and facilities to build your organisation’s capability.

  • Engage with UC academics in collaborative research partnerships.
  • Use academic consultancy services to help you get the answers you need to grow your organisation.

Opportunities for organisations

Projects and internship are a great way to participate in education, complete projects you wouldn’t normally have time for and get in-depth research or consultancy for your organisation. Students are available at many levels of study, in teams or as individuals. Students’ areas of study include Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems, Management and Marketing. Projects and internships culminate in the production of a report or case study that is made available to your organisation.

Internship ProjectBachelor of Commerce12wks/100hrsMar/JulTeams
Group ProjectBachelor of Commerce12wks/20-60hrsMar/JulTeams
Internship ProjectUC Centre for EntrepreneurshipFlexibleAnytimeTeams
ProjectMaster of Financial Management12wks/100hrsOct(2018)Teams
Internship ProjectMaster of Business Information Systems10wks/150hrsJulIndividuals
ProjectMaster of Business Information Systems20wks/450hrsJul Individuals
Internship ProjectMaster of Business Management10wks/200hrsOctIndividuals
Internship ProjectMaster of Professional Accounting10wks/200hrsFeb/OctIndividuals
ProjectMaster of Business Administration20wks/600hrsAnytimeIndividuals
Research ProjectMaster of Commerce1yr/300-900hrsMarIndividuals
Research ProjectDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)3yrsMarIndividuals

What is the difference between a project and internship?

Projects are consultancy based and require a clear scope discussed between sponsor and student. Projects are typically not based onsite. An internship involves a project that is typically based onsite with some level of supervision by the host organisation. The scope of both the internship and project must be defined in order students to meet their academic requirements.

Share your ideas and experience

We want to engage with organisations so that our students will better understand the world and can anticipate and adapt to new technologies and ways of thinking. Here are some ways that you can give back to our students and shape tomorrow’s business and community leaders.

Guest speakerBachelor of Commerce students1hrAnytimeClasses of 30-40
Guest speakerUC Centre for Entrepreneurship students2-5hrsAnytimeClasses of 20-50
Guest speakerExecutive Development Masterclasses2hrsAnytimeClasses of 10-30
KeynoteExecutive Development Events2hrsAnytime200+ alumni & guests
MentorUC Centre for Entrepreneurship Students/Clubs2-5hrsAnytimeIndividuals & teams

For all enquiries please contact:

Tim Winfield

Engagement Manager

Business and Law, Room 502

Phone: 3694965

Internal Phone: 94965

Mobile: +64 27 576 2641

[email protected]