Toi Ohomai Institute Of Technology Application Form

Click on this link to download Toi Ohomai Institute Of Technology Application Form

Step 1 (of 6)

Send us your application form

You can apply online through the individual course pages on this website. (If you want to do a single paper(s) please contact us instead) you can apply in person at one of our campuses or apply over the phone by calling one of our friendly team 0800 86 46 46

Step 2 (of 6)

We’ll be in touch

We’ll contact you to let you know if you need to come in for an information session or interview. (This isn’t necessary for all courses).

These sessions are an opportunity for you to find out more about your course and check it’s the best fit for you. At the same time we’ll check to make sure you meet the entry requirements.

If you don’t need to come in, you’ll skip to Step 3 below.

Step 3 (of 6)

Complete your paperwork

Complete your Study Agreement and some other paperwork, and provide us with your legal identification

We encourage you to apply for StudyLink now if this applies to you, to make sure you receive any payments you’re entitled to quickly.

Step 4 (of 6)

Receive your acceptance letter

Once we receive your completed Study Agreement and supporting application documents you’ll receive an acceptance letter.

Step 5 (of 6)

Pay your fees

Make sure your fees have been paid before Day 1.

Step 6

Receive your First Day letter

Your First Day Letter has all the information you need to help you settle in.