The University Of Auckland Grading Scale

Final results are usually available between 10 and 20 days after the last day of the exam period for most taught courses including those without an exam. Your results can be accessed on Student Services Online.

Some results, such as practical courses or dissertations, may take longer.

The marks or grades returned to you in Canvas are not final and may still be subject to review. Your final and approved grade for any course will be published to you via Student Services Online. 

Grade types

Pass grades

A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, CP (Conceded Pass).

Fail grades

D+, D, D-, DNC (did not complete), DNS (did not sit).


Completed, Fail, Pass.


NA (not available).

  • On your academic transcript, a course showing as “ENROLLED” indicates that the results for this course had not yet been received at the date of printing.
  • In Student Services Online, a course with no result but showing as ‘graded’ just means that your results have not been made available yet. It does not mean that you have no result for this course.

The University does not remark examinations. However, you may request a recount within seven weeks of the end of the exam period. For more information, see Exam recounts.

You must not communicate with an examiner in regard to your examination, except through the Examinations Office.   

Conceded passes

You may, at the discretion of the relevant faculty, be considered for a conceded pass. You do not need to apply.

  • Conceded passes apply only to courses taken towards bachelors degrees (other than honours degrees).
  • A conceded pass will apply only to the programme for which it is awarded and may not be transferred or credited to any other programme.

Detailed information about conceded passes is available in Point 19 in the Examination Regulations of the University of Auckland Calendar.

Marking schemes or grade scales at the University of Auckland

What is the University of Auckland’s standard mark grade scale?

Marks and grades must align with the University’s standard grade descriptors. The University’s grade descriptors are for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses, and can be found at University Grade Descriptors.

The grades C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+ are passing grades.

The grades D-, D, D+ are fail grades.