The University Of Auckland Doctoral Application Help

Find assistance on this page with completing the different sections of your doctoral Application for Admission.

You can begin the application process for your doctoral study by logging into your Application for Admission.

As you navigate through your application, you can select ‘Next’ to go to the next page, or ‘Save and Exit’ to save your information and return to it later.

The final page will show a summary of the information you have submitted, and will have a ‘Submit’ button. This will submit your application for processing by the University.

Personal summary

In this section you will need to provide personal details including name, address, telephone numbers and date of birth.

Academic history

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

English language qualifications

You are required to state your first language. If your first language is not English or Māori, you will need to provide evidence that your fluency in the English language meets the admission standards of this University.

  • English language qualifications – IELTS/TOEFL results are only valid for two years from the date of the test.
  • New Zealand citizens and Permanent Residents are deemed to have met the English language requirement.

For more information, see English language requirements.

Academic history

Please enter your highest tertiary qualification (either completed or in progress). If your highest qualification is not relevant to the programme, and you have another tertiary qualification that you feel is more relevant, you may enter that one instead.

Remember that entry to a doctoral programme normally requires one of the following:

  • A masters degree with first class or second class (division 1) honours.
  • A bachelor honours degree awarded with first class or second class (division 1) honours.

Programme Selection

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

1. Select Programme

Academic Plan/Specialisation
Please note that, for programmes other than Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), only one subject area is available, and that subject will pre-populate in the “Subject” field.

Intended Start Date
You can start your doctoral programme in any month of the year. The doctoral year runs for 12 months from the date you enrol, which is always the first of any month. Please state the month and year you would wish to begin. This date may be amended, with your agreement, at any time.

Please note that your intended start date should be no more than nine months after the date you submit your application. If your intended start date is more than nine months after your application date you will be asked to withdraw your application and reapply closer to your intended start date. 

If you do not know which campus is appropriate, choose “City”.

Research topic
In the free-text field, please enter your proposed research topic. This should be a descriptive title of the research you would like to undertake. The title would normally be no more than 150 characters.

Proposed supervisor
If you have someone in mind as a potential supervisor, you can nominate that person here. It could be a supervisor you have already contacted, or you have seen their research on a department website.

You are not required to have organised a supervisor yet. The department will contact you to confirm or discuss available supervision.

Financial Support
You are not required to provide information about proposed funding, but it is useful to signal such information here. If you intend to apply for a scholarship or tutorship, you can make applications for these separately.

Off Campus Doctoral Research
If you click “Yes”, a new question will appear:
Do you intend to perform any off-shore doctoral research

International students and NZ Permanent Residents, please note that eligibility under the Domestic Fees policy is based on residence in New Zealand. If you are outside of New Zealand for more than 12 months (accumulated) of your doctoral programme, you will be required to pay the full international tuition fee.

If you are currently registered for a PhD at another university, you will be required to withdraw from registration at the other university. You will need to provide a statutory declaration concerning the nature and extent of the research done, and the supervision received at the other university.

Creative Practice Component
Some programmes may also require a creative component such as a portfolio or performance. Please check the website of your faculty or department for any additional information they may require.

2. Supplementary Information

Membership to professional body/Professional Registration Number
These fields will not be relevant to all programmes. If you have membership in a professional body, and feel that it is relevant to the programme and/or subject you have chosen, you are welcome to enter that information here.

Provisional goals
Provisional goals are steps of work that you and your supervisor agree you should complete by the end of your first, or provisional year. You are not asked to provide any information in this page as these goals are determined in consultation with your supervisor.

Supporting documents
You are here required to upload electronic versions of various documents. These are needed by academic staff to assess your qualification for entry to the programme, to provide you with appropriate advice, and to match your research interests with those of a potential supervisor.

For more information, see Documents to support your application.

Academic Transcript
This is the academic transcript or record of your highest tertiary qualification (as named in the Tertiary Education page). You may also upload here the transcript of any other qualification(s) you believe to be relevant or would wish to have considered. It is important that you include the grading scale of the tertiary institution that you have studied at. This should be uploaded as part of your academic transcript.

Statement of Research Intent
A brief one-page statement, in the form of an abstract, using Statement of Research Intent template. Once you have completed your statement, save it as a Word document.

For the document template and more information, visit Statement of Research Intent.

3. Review

On this page, a summary of the information you have provided in all the earlier pages is displayed, in a series of boxes, one for each page. You can edit any of this information from this review page if you wish.

Anything that is incomplete will be highlighted in red and marked as incomplete. You must complete all mandatory fields before you are able to submit your application.

Need more help?

If you experience any difficulties in accessing the Application for Admission system, or in completing or submitting your doctoral application, contact our Student Support Team.