Have an enquiry? Reach out to our help centres for students, alumni, media and research and consultancy. Or find a staff member in the directory.
Get in touch with the University of Auckland
Student enquiries
For all general enquiries, including admission, enrolment, and course advice queries, contact our student support team online or call us:
Auckland: 923 5025
Outside Auckland: 0800 61 62 63
International: +64 9 373 7513
To learn more about our schools outreach programme, contact the Schools Partnership Office.
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
0800 61 62 63 for student enquiries from within New Zealand
+64 9 373 7513 for student enquiries from outside New Zealand
+64 9 373 7999 for telephone receptionists
+64 9 373 7599 and the appropriate extension
0800 61 62 64
Emergency contacts
University Security emergency line
- 0800 373 7550 from mobile phones – calls are free
- 966 from internal phones
University Security staff are on site 24/7 and will respond immediately to help and arrange any emergency or medical assistance required.
General security enquries
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 85000
Email: city.security@auckland.ac.nz
Address: Building 409, 24 Symonds Street, City Campus, Auckland
Automated external defibrillators (AED)
See also
Emergencies and safety on campus
Faculty contacts
- Faculty of Arts
- Business School
- Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries
- Faculty of Education and Social Work
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
- Faculty of Science
Research and consultancy
Auckland UniServices Limited is the commercial research and knowledge transfer company for the University of Auckland. It is a wholly-owned company of the University of Auckland and is dedicated to connecting the University’s capabilities to business and investors, government and the community.
To find out how research can benefit your business contact UniServices:
Auckland UniServices Limited
c/- The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7522
Web: UniServices online
The University of Auckland values our relationships with the media, and encourages dialogue about the University’s research discoveries, creative achievements, and contributions to intellectual growth.
Among the University’s staff are people with expertise on a vast range of subjects, who can comment on topical issues of interest to the wider community.
The University and its Communications Office are always available to assist media wanting to draw upon the knowledge of its community of scholars.
Alumni Relations and Development (ARD)
Alumni Relations and Development (formerly External Relations) is the University of Auckland’s centralised point of contact for philanthropic partners, alumni, and friends.
ARD is located in University House (Auckland’s original synagogue) at 19A Princes Street, opposite the entrance to the grounds of Old Government House.
The department has two divisions:
- Development
The Development Office provides fundraising and development support for the University. Visit the Giving website. - Alumni Relations
The Alumni Relations Office manages the University’s relationships with its over 180,000 alumni.
Pramilla DaSilva
Alumni Relations Office Manager
Email: pc.dasilva@auckland.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 88113
Karen Thompson
Alumni Relations Manager
Email: alumni@auckland.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 83128
Web: www.alumni.auckland.ac.nz
Need to update your details?
Whistleblower hotline
You can use the whistleblower hotline to report suspected unethical misconduct including fraud, corruption, harassment or bullying.
Governance matters
Postal address
Scott St John
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142
New Zealand