Resolution Life New Zealand Limited

The life insurance industry has been undergoing profound changes for at least two decades.

Insurance markets have globalised, low interest rates have slashed investment returns, product differentiation has all but evaporated, and artificial intelligence and data analytics have transformed the way insurers price and market their products.

These factors — and others — have greatly intensified competition in this mature industry.

The increasing competition has placed life insurers under pressure to transform the way they do business. Some are focusing on product innovation; others on their distribution methods.

Many life insurance companies are reorganising their business and divesting non-core, less profitable or capital-intensive business units, and books of business.

Fortunately, there is a market for these unwanted life insurance businesses. Institutional investors such as pension, superannuation and sovereign wealth funds have a strong appetite for these life insurance businesses as they can deliver consistent returns over a long period of time.

However, while these investors have the capital and multi-asset class investment expertise, they may lack insurance management know-how.

This is where Resolution Life’s expertise is valued.

Resolution Life New Zealand Limited Products

  • A diversified portfolio for investors
  • Peace of mind for policyholders
  • Strategic realignment for insurers

Resolution Life Group Services Limited Contact


The Caxton

1 Brewer’s Green

London SW1H 0RH

United Kingdom


+44 (0)20 7661 3600


[email protected]