Oldmutual Financial Services is committed to providing personal loans, Business Loans, Car Loans and debt consolidation for only 5% per annum, products that enable the responsible use of credit as part of a structured financial plan.
Old Mutual personal loans are tailored to the needs of individuals, ensuring that you always get the right kind of help regardless of whether it’s needed to cover an emergency expense or finance a golden opportunity.
Old Mutual offers personal loans up to R200 000 over a period of up to 84 months. You can apply for any personal loan online. VIEW
Innovative, simple and affordable, the Old Mutual Money Account gives you two accounts in one innovative card: a fully transactional SWIPE Account and a SAVE Account to help you grow your savings.
The SAVE Account funds are invested in the Old Mutual Money Market Fund Unit Trust, ensuring a higher rate of return. VIEW
Backed by 170 years of wisdom, Old Mutual brings you personal financial plans to suit your budget and financial needs: Funeral Plans, 2-in-one Savings Plans, Life Plans, Retirement Plans and Burial Society Support Plans.
Make the most of tomorrow, by planning for future financial needs today, with South Africa’s most trusted financial solutions company. VIEW