Massey University Music

Radical shifts are happening in the global music industry, and the Bachelor of Commercial Music is designed to meet this challenge. Taught by award-winning musicians, technicians and industry experts, this degree is ideal if you want to study popular music-based genres, digital-based music technologies, and music industry practice.

What is it like?

Find out more about entry requirements, fees and courses in the planning section.

Get the full picture

In the Bachelor of Commercial Music, you will:

  • learn the skills of your major: Music Practice, Music Industry or Music Technology
  • broaden your expertise with courses from a second music subject
  • think critically about the music industry and where you want to position yourself
  • work collaboratively on gigs, short tours, music videos and other projects.

There are three majors: Music Practice, Music Technology, Music Industry.

Music Practice

You’ll study musicianship and cross-genre performance using your instrument or musical interface of choice, along with computer-based production and composition techniques.

All content will be firmly based in popular music, covering a wide range of genres and approaches to learning with a focus on original music.

Music Technology 

You’ll study software and hardware development, electronics, and concepts for developing new musical interfaces.

Once we know you have the basics, you will be designing and building your own instruments and applications.

You’ll also learn how to operate industry standard large consoles, as well as the latest digital recording and editing technologies.

Master microphone techniques and sound design. Learn how to work with musicians to capture great recordings, and mixing and mastering techniques to produce professional quality recordings.

You’ll also learn live light and sound skills, including how to operate small and large scale PAs, and design and programme advanced lighting and projection rigs. We’ll teach you about all aspects of live, venue-based industry requirements.

Music Industry

You’ll study artist development and management, label and distribution, music publishing, one-off and large-scale live events, and future industry trends.

Your skills will be developed by project managing live music for concerts, tours and festivals.

Join with students from other majors to study courses in music video production, web development, gigs, touring, recording and music media. The critical content of the programme spans new musicology, free culture, the political economy of music, and music philosophy. All courses in all majors of the programme foreground music as the primary discipline, whether explored through a creative, critical, technical or commercial context. 

Learn from people who know the music industry

All our Commercial Music lecturers still work in industry. They perform, record, tour, produce and manage successful music ventures in New Zealand and internationally. These include Trinity Roots, The Chills, Shapeshifter and A Low Hum.

International recognition

Massey’s College of Creative Arts is ranked in the top 100 by QS University rankings. The College of Creative Arts is NASAD approved as Substantially Equivalent.

If you are an international student, please check out how to apply.


We offer a range of scholarships you might be eligible for:

To find out more about our scholarships please click here.

How to plan your degree

There is more detail under the “Planning” tab at the top right of this page, and at

How to apply

All applicants must meet the basic requirements for university admission. In addition:

  • Music Practice: attend an audition. The application due date for Music Practice is November 1. Late applications may be accepted, subject to available spaces.
  • Music Technology and Music Industry: attend a consultation. The application due date for Music Technology and Music Industry is January 13, but you should apply early. If you want to include a Music Practice minor in your degree, you must audition. 

Book an audition or consultation

We recommend attending an audition or consultation before the final application due date.

If you have any further questions email [email protected]

Late applications will be considered if space is available.

International applications

It is recommended that international students apply at least three months before the start date to allow for processing.


Te Rewa o Puanga School of Music and Creative Media Production responds to New Zealand’s growth and internationally recognised reputation for innovation and creativity in both music and media production.

Our practice-based degrees in commercial music and creative media production equip graduates with the technical skills and industry experience needed to excel in a creative career.


School of Music and Creative Media Production researchers are world-class practitioners in their field. Whether you’re a student or research partner, you’ll benefit from the expertise of our internationally recognised researchers.

Our practice-led research sees new advances across the commercial music, film and TV, animation, enhanced realities, video game and special effect industries.



Dubbing theatre

Students can access highly spec’d facilities, including a dubbing theatre equipped with an Avid S6 48ch digital console, with 7.1 Dynaudio Acoustics Block monitoring. There is also a 5.1 dubbing studio using a 16ch Avid Icon console.

Contact James Coyle

Electronics technology laboratory

Students can access a dedicated Technology Lab, that has specialist equipment for hardware development, software development, electronics, prototyping and 3D printing.

Contact James Coyle

Gear checkout

Our combined gear library has top-of-the-line equipment for students and researchers, including 5K cameras, lighting and audio kits, 360 cameras and VR/AR/MR kits.

Recording studios

Designed by Munro Acoustics (London) and Athfield Architects (WGTN), Massey University has recently constructed world-class recording facilities at the Wellington Campus. The flagship studio features 300m2 of live-rooms controlled by two of the world’s most sought-after desks; a 72ch Neve, and a 48ch SSL Duality analogue console. Both control rooms have an impressive selection of outboard and monitoring is with Dynaudio Acoustics soffit mounted speakers in 5.1.

Contact James Coyle

Rehearsal rooms

Students can access five acoustically treated rehearsal rooms with backline and vocal PA systems suitable for modern music. The production rehearsal room, which also doubles as a live venue, is equipped with PA and full professional lighting rig.

Contact James Coyle

VFX studio

Massey University’s Wellington campus houses cutting edge digital production and post-production tools. Students can use high-end digital cameras with the 300m2 green screen and lighting gear to create the perfect shot in post-production. Our range of camera equipment will help get your shot moving, or keep it perfectly still, or post-production artists can record motion-capture takes using our 24 camera Vicon motion capture array.

Contact James Coyle