Massey University Library Catalogue

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All of our catalogue content is now searchable via the Discover search interface. Discover will search for not only Library catalogue content, but also journal articles and other information sources.

If you wish to limit your Discover search to Library catalogue content only, carry out your search and then choose Limit To: Library Books and Media on the left-hand side of your search results.

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The Library’s Maori name, Te Putanga ki te Ao Mātauranga, means ‘the gateway to the world of information’. It recognises the Library’s commitment to provide a wide range of information to all clients at all campuses and at a distance.


The Library is located on all Massey University sites.Each library offers computer access to library resources, individual and group study spaces, photocopying facilities and audiovisual equipment.


Library materials support the University’s teaching programmes and research.Total collections comprise:

  • Over 900,000 monograph volumes
  • 6,000 current print journals
  • 17,500 electronic journals
  • A growing number of other electronic resources.


Staff and students may borrow from any Massey University Library, regardless of location. A delivery service is provided to extramural students throughout New Zealand and overseas. Staff and students can borrow materials from other libraries through the interlibrary loan service.

Support and help

One-to-one help is provided in person, by phone and by email. Hands-on library skills training is available to students on-campus. The College Liaison Service provides specialist support to staff and postgraduate students, including individual research consultations. Specialist services also support the needs of Māori staff and students.