Massey University Justice Of The Peace

Justices of the Peace carry out an ever-increasing multitude of functions in the administration of documentation and justice in New Zealand. These functions include:

Ministerial duties:

  • Witnessing signatures
  • Certifying documents
  • The taking of declarations, affidavits or affirmations
  • The witnessing of Land Transfer and other documents.

Judicial duties:

  • Jurisdiction determined by statute, including minor offences and some traffic cases
  • Issue of remands and Bail
  • Hearing of undefended cases
  • Presiding over defended trials
  • Preliminary hearing of indictable offences
  • The receiving of informations and complaints and the issue of summonses
  • The issue of Search Warrants
  • The issue of summonses to witnesses.

Although all Justices of the Peace perform most Ministerial duties, only some will carry out Judicial duties.

Justices of the Peace at Massey University

Massey University is fortunate to have several staff members appointed as Justices of the Peace to serve their local communities in Auckland, Palmerston North and Wellington. Please contact any of the following if ever you require the services of a Justice of the Peace. The courtesy of making an appointment at a convenient time is always appreciated.

Auckland Campus

Rohini Subbian 
Available Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays by appointment. Afternoons preferred.
09 414 0800 extn 43459
DDI +64 9 213 6459
[email protected]LIB2.10, Level 2 in the Library Building. (Ask staff at the Service Desk.)
Mr Ricky Waters
Co-ordinating Chaplain 
Available Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment.
09 414 0800 extn 43449[email protected]Room 1.17, Massey Business School, East Precinct.

Manawatu Campus (Palmerston North)

Vicki Beagley
Available 8am-12noon by appointment.
021 404549[email protected]Health and Ageing Research Team, Room 3.38, Social Science Tower Extension (near the lift well).
Professor Murray Cox
Available by appointment.
06 951 7747[email protected]Science Tower D, level 5, Room 04 (or D5.04).
Karen Devantier
Available by appointment.
027 222 0864 or 06 951 6328[email protected]Room 8.22 (adjacent to lift), 8th Floor, Social Science Tower.
Professor John Holland
Available by appointment.
06 356 9099 ext 84832[email protected]AgHort A, Room 2.60.
Professor Surinder Saggar
Available by appointment: 12 noon to 1pm and 3.00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
06 356 9099[email protected]Landcare Research, Manaaki Whenua Building, Riddet Rd, reception at Level 2.
Dianne Reilly 
Available between 8.30am-9am and 4pm-4.30pm. Maximum of 5 pages.
06 951 7782[email protected]Room 2.21 Registry foyer.
Associate Professor Nick Roskruge06 951 7876[email protected] 

Wellington Campus

Heike Ulrich04 979 3518
021 423574
[email protected]Block 1, Ground Floor

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