Massey University Ielts

To find out about everything testing related at Massey University, join the Massey English Language Testing (MELT) 

Preparation Materials

You can find a wide range of information, practice tests and preparation materials at

We also stock a range of Practice and Preparation Materials at our centre

IELTS Preparation 

Need to make a Payment?

You can pay for tests, transfers and services through the Massey University Online Payment Form

You can also buy Practice Materials and Preparation Guides here

Online Payment Form

Need to Cancel or Transfer?

  • 2 weeks or more before your test? We can refund your fee in full or transfer you to another test date for free
  • 1-2 weeks before your test?  There’s an $80 fee to cancel or transfer to another test date
  • 1 week or less before your test? Sorry, we can’t refund your test fee or transfer you

Need to request a Re-Mark?

You can request a re-mark of your test through our online request form here

Re-Mark Requests

Massey University IELTS Preparation Courses & Coaching

IELTS Preparation Courses

Need some help with preparing for your test?  Our IELTS Preparation courses are designed to help you perform to the best off your abilities.



Personal IELTS Coaching

Stuck on the Writing Section?  Struggling with the Reading?  You’re not alone!

Book a one-on-one Coaching Session with a Massey IELTS Expert to get personalised advice and feedback to help you get the score you need.

Contact us: 

  • IELTS AucklandQA Building, Massey UniversityGate 1, University AvenueAlbany, Auckland

[email protected]

IELTS Palmerston North and New Plymouth

Colombo Village, Colombo Road, Massey University

Reception, Building 1 8:30am- 4:30pm

Palmerston [email protected]

IELTS Wellington Massey University, Entrance AWallace Street, Mt Cook

[email protected]

0800 MASSEY (0800 627 739)