Massey University 159

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Computer Science

159.100 Introduction to Programming 15 credits

This course provides an introduction to computer programming. The language is C++ which is a “real world” language heavily used in games, real-time applications and the control of devices. The course guides students through all the steps needed to write, compile and debug simple C++ programs with lots of practical examples. No previous programming experience is required

159.101 Technical Programming 1 15 credits

This course introduces the technical aspects of programming using the C language. It is an essential preparation for the advanced courses in C++. The course includes an introduction to number systems and twos complement. The focus is on problem solving and the design of logical and efficient programming solutions.

159.102 Technical Programming 215 credits

This course follows  159.101 and continues the technical aspects of programming using the C language. It is an important preparation for the advanced courses in C++. The course includes an overview of the circuits and components of a computer system and an introduction to assembler programming. It advances the programming knowledge obtained in  159.101 to include structures, pointers and bitwise operations. The focus is on problem solving and the design of logical and efficient programming solutions.

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