Senior Management’s role is to ensure that the university meets a range of expectations. These include educational quality and relevance, as well as development goals.
The Vice-Chancellor undertakes the role of Chief Executive Officer of Lincoln University. This role is supported by the Senior Management Group.
The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for academic leadership, advancing the interests of the university (particularly through strategic planning, developing culture, values and motivation, and optimising outputs from available resources) and for employing staff.
He or she reports to Council on the achievement of agreed objectives, which relate to the overall operation of the university and to issues of academic quality.
The key activities of the university are managed by the Vice-Chancellor through delegations to senior managers.
Bruce McKenzie is a crop and pasture agronomist, specialising in crop science, environmental effects on crop growth, computer simulation modelling, and water use of crops and pastures.
He holds a Bachelor of Science from Pennsylvania State University, and he completed both his Diploma of Agricultural Science and PhD at Lincoln University.
In 2008, Bruce was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Lincoln University.
Six years later in July 2016, he became Chief Academic Officer (interim). In this role, he was responsible for the three university faculties (Agriculture and Life Sciences; Agribusiness and Commerce; and Environment, Society and Design), along with the University Studies and English Language Division and the Library, Teaching and Learning department.
In April 2018, Bruce was appointed to the role of Deputy Vice-Chancellor and in January 2019, he became Acting Vice-Chancellor.