The Canterbury Earthquakes significantly impacted Lincoln University’s building assets and consequently their asset management strategies. Several buildings were damaged in the earthquake resulting in disruption and reconfiguration of teaching and other operational activities.
In addition to responding to the constraints placed on Lincoln University by these disruptive events, some buildings are at the end of their economic useable life and require replacement.
In response Lincoln University undertook extensive engagement, design and planning works as part of an initiative to build a Joint Facility Project (JFP) to accommodate science, research, teaching and ancillary facilities for the University,
AgResearch and other commercial partners. After an extensive feasibility and design exercise, it has been determined that the JFP will not proceed it its original intended form. T
he University has determined that its requirements will need to be met through the development of the new Science North building project at the Lincoln University Ellesmere Lincoln campus.
The Science North Building is a 9,450m2, three-level building providing teaching laboratories, research laboratories, workspaces, meeting space and flat floor teaching areas as well as a social/collaborative space and associated amenities.
Lincoln University have engaged The Building Intelligence Group (TBIG) as the Project Manager. Design consultants were engaged following the completion of an investment case in July 2019 and have progressed the project through Concept design, value engineering and are now progressing with Preliminary design before Developed design commences in January 2020.
In order to gauge interest in the local construction market Lincoln University are inviting contractors to partake in this Expression of Interest (‘EOI’) process.
The purpose of this EOI is to pre-qualify and shortlist suitable prospective suppliers who will then be asked to provide commercial tenders under a subsequent Request for Tender (RFT) process, which we anticipate being released in early / mid-April 2020.
The EOI process involves a quality attribute evaluation methodology as described below. EOI submissions should clearly demonstrate the respondent’s proven abilities in relation to the key aspects of the scope of the services.
The following high-level steps are anticipated:
• An EOI to establish a shortlisted group of Prospective Suppliers
• A selected RFT to those Prospective Suppliers
• An RFT process