Lincoln University Careers Page

Career Choices Your Future The University regularly assesses the job market for new areas of employment demand such as:

• Agriculture and horticulture
• Society, tourism and sport
• Science
• Environment
• Design and technology
• Business and commerce.


We advise on effective ways of connecting with Lincoln students and graduates, and for raising your profile. We offer a range of services to help you:

• NZUniCareerHub to advertise your graduate programmes/vacancies/internships/scholarships to students and graduates
• Targeted email alerts
• Presentations, drop-ins and information sessions on-campus
• Career and networking events
• Poster distribution – electronic and paper (A4 only)
• Interviews on-campus.


Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Food BiochemistryLincoln, Canterbury
Postdoctoral Fellow – Food for Future ConsumersLincoln, Canterbury

Campus Trades and Services

Residential Assistant (RA) 2021Lincoln, Canterbury

Professional and Administrative

LMS Support Administrator – Fixed Term Contract

Graduation search

Search our Graduate database for confirmation of Lincoln University graduates’ details for students at Lincoln University from 2000.

Key contacts for employers

Student Magazine – RAMCateringScholarshipsAlumni
Advertising opportunities
Contact: LUSA (Lincoln University Students’ Association)
Email: [email protected]
On-campus catering service for events including information sessions and interviews
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 3 325 3800
Develop and promote industry scholarships
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 3 423 0000
Connect with Lincoln University graduates through the Alumni Association
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 3 423 0000