Lincoln University Bachelor Of Commerce

Lincoln University’s Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) degree has a specific focus on value chains. Value chains connect the world, and so do our graduates. 

Be it in supply chain management, marketing, food and resource economics, global business, or accounting and finance, our graduates are bringing the world to New Zealand and New Zealand to the world. 

When businesses link their strategies and operations with what is happening in the global economy and with their commercial partners, they are well positioned to capture competitive advantages. 

As economies have become more interconnected and businesses have become more dependent on international markets for raw materials and end consumers, there is an increasing need for people who understand the global nature of value chains. Lincoln’s B.Com. majors will give you the tools to be one of them.

  • Accounting and FinanceDESCRIPTION:The Accounting and Finance major of Lincoln University’s B.Com. focuses on how firms develop and use financial systems and models to enhance value to the firm and to others in the value chain. It provides a pathway into internationally recognised professional bodies including Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) and Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia, and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). This is a career-focused programme that provides students with practical skills, and accounting and finance firms often approach Lincoln University looking for graduates.ACCREDITATIONSChartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia, and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

  • Compulsory Courses
    • Electives ACCT 101 Accounting Fundamentals 
      COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
      COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
      ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
      FINC 101 Finance Fundamentals 
      LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
      MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
      BMGT 116 Principles of Management 

      ACCT 202 Management Accounting 
      ACCT 211 Financial Accounting 
      FINC 204 Financial Management 
      FINC 211 Investments 

      FINC 304 Corporate Financial Strategy plus 
      60 credits at the 300 level with an ACCT or FINC prefix including at least 15 credits with an ACCT prefix and at least 15 credits with a FINC prefix. 

      Students should seek course advice if they intend to become a member of a professional accounting body.
  • Electives

Students should obtain course advice to ensure that course choices form a coherent programme of study.

Food and Resource Economics


The Food and Resource Economics major in Lincoln University’s B.Com. has a unique focus on the importance of the food industry to New Zealand’s and the world’s economy. Areas of study include production systems, the New Zealand economy, trade economics and global value chains. You will graduate having been taught the in-depth analytical skills and knowledge required to become a professional economist in the global food and resource industries.

  • Compulsory Courses

BMGT 116 Principles of Management 
COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 

ECON 216 Macroeconomic Issues and Policies 
ECON 217 Markets, firms and consumers 
QMET 204 Statistics for Business 

ECON 325 The Economics of Food Markets and Policy 
ECON 326 The Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment 
ECON 327 The Economics of Development 
plus one of 
ECON 302 International Economics 
ECON 307 Econometrics 

Global Business


The Global Business major in Lincoln University’s B.Com. addresses New Zealand’s global business needs for graduates in this industry. The major provides students with core business management knowledge, skills and values infused across generic management with an emphasis on internationalisation of management, coordination and particular management functions in multinational corporations.

  • Compulsory Courses

COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
BMGT 116 Principles of Management 

ACCT 202 Management Accounting 
BMGT 221 Organisation and Human Resource Management 
BMGT 211 Productivity Management 
ECON 212 International Trade 

BMGT 306 Business Strategy 
BMGT 324 International Management 
plus any two from: 

BMGT 301 Business and Sustainability 
COMM 301 Integrated Business Analysis 
ECON 302 International Economics 
ECON 325 The Economics of Food Markets and Policy 
MGMT 340 Agribusiness Strategic Management 
MGMT 341 Integrated Agribusiness and Food Marketing Strategy 
MKTG 308 Marketing of New Zealand Products and Services 
MKTG 333

Hotel and Tourism Management


This unique major meets the hotel and tourism industry needs, and provides a qualification that is internationally recognised.

Sustainable industry growth in the hotel and tourism sector in New Zealand and abroad needs to be supported by a competent and educated workforce. Graduates will be trained and educated to be critical thinkers, innovators and problem solvers, and understand the business of hotel and tourism management enabling them to constructively participate in growing the industry in a sustainable manner – profitably, environmentally, economically and socially.

The courses comprising the major involve lectures, tutorials and where appropriate, field trips (domestic and international options), taught by academic staff involved in research in these areas. There will also be guest lectures from hotel and tourism practitioners.Practical work requirement Before graduating, a student shall complete 480 hours of approved practical work experience after leaving school. Approved practical work can be taken overseas. Students are required to submit to the Practical Work Co-ordinator both evidence of completed hours and a satisfactory written report.

  • Compulsory Courses

COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
BMGT 116 Principles of Management 
TOUR 101 Introduction to Tourism 

BMGT 216 Food and Beverage Management 
BMGT 221 Organisation and Human Resource Management 
TOUR 202 Tourism Systems 
TOUR 203 Tourist Behaviour 

BMGT 322 
BMGT 306 Business Strategy 
MKTG 304 Services Marketing 
TOUR 303 Destination Planning and Development 



An Individual major in Lincoln University’s B.Com. means you can create your own Bachelor of Commerce, building on the core compulsory courses and adding in electives of your choice. Your Individual major must have two areas of focus. To do this you need to choose four courses within two key ‘subject areas’ e.g. two courses with the ACCT (Accounting) prefix and two courses with the MKTG (Marketing) prefix at 300-level. These 300-level courses are generally taken in your third year of study. The subject areas open to you for an Individual major are: ACCT, BMGT, ECON, FINC, MGMT, MKTG, VAPM. For full regulations and course options check out the courses listed on our website.

  • Compulsory Courses

COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
BMGT 116 Principles of Management 



A Marketing major prepares you for a career in creating and delivering products that satisfy a target market’s needs at a profit. After learning the basic discipline and ethical principles, you’ll go on to investigate consumer behaviour and work on an actual marketing research project in your third year of study, giving graduates practical skills on their CV. This foundation, coupled with the student’s choice of electives, provides Lincoln’s Marketing majors with the analytical skills and balanced judgement to make decisions that are best for the firm, consumers, society and the environment.

  • Compulsory Courses

COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
BMGT 116 Principles of Management 

MKTG 202 Social Marketing and Ethics 
MKTG 205 Consumer Behaviour and Wellbeing 

MKTG 301 Marketing Analytics and Research 
Plus at least three of: 
MKTG 304 Services Marketing 
MKTG 308 Marketing of New Zealand Products and Services 
MKTG 311 Product Design 
MKTG 321 Promotion Management 
MKTG 322 Retailing and Sales Management 
MKTG 333 

Note: Either COMM 301 Integrated Business Analysis , BMGT 315 Project Planning and Management , or RECN 393 Practicum: Practical Experience in Sport and Recreation Management , can substitute for one (1) 300-level MKTG coded courses.

Supply Chain Management


The Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain Management is a comprehensive undergraduate degree programme capable of producing work-ready graduates with a sound foundation in the core areas of procurement, operations, logistics and supply chain management. Modern supply chain management focuses on coordinating and controlling the entire value chain from the raw materials to the finished product, and also the post-life of the product in an environmentally sustainable way. Our graduates will have an understanding of the necessary components of a fully coordinated product/market system that is efficient, sustainable, provides optimal returns to the stakeholders and value to final consumers.

Courses in the programme address key elements of managing and coordinating the whole supply chain including a comprehensive study of modern procurement principles and practices, inventory management, transportation and logistics, operational planning and control systems, quality systems, marketing and customer relationship management, and the re-cycling and disposal of materials and products. We also teach students how to optimise a supply chain system. This degree is unique in New Zealand as it is a commercially focused, full undergraduate-level degree covering the key discipline areas related to managing supply chains as a single system. Lincoln graduates with this major have little difficulty getting jobs and a number of well recognised companies recruit directly from this degree. This degree will be applicable in almost any industry.

  • Compulsory Courses

COMM 111 Introductory Statistics 
COMM 112 Financial Information for Business 
ECON 113 Economies and Markets 
LWST 114 Introduction to Commercial Law 
MKTG 115 Principles of Marketing 
BMGT 116 Principles of Management 

BMGT 201 Sustainable Sourcing 
BMGT 211 Productivity Management 
MKTG 210 Logistics Management 

BMGT 308 Supply Chain System Optimisation 
BMGT 314 Quality Systems 
MKTG 323 Supply Chain Management