HBZ Bank Credit Rating
Credit Risk Update: HBZ Bank, WEINBERGSTRASSE 59, ZURICH, 8006. The legal status is a Other company type and the current status at the registry of companies is Active. The last filed accounts are dated 31 December 2012. The company was incorporated on 15 November 1973.
There is 1 mortgage, which is satisfied
The below was based on public record information as at 20 August 2018 and may not reflect the current status. Please access the current report to ascertain the current status and credit rating.
Registered Number: | FC007990 |
Date Incorporated: | 15 November 1973 |
Date Latest Accounts: | 31 December 2012 |
Legal Form: | Other company type |
Previous Names: | None |
Registered Number: | FC007990 |
Annual Return: | Unknown |
Registered Office: | WEINBERGSTRASSE 59, ZURICH, 8006 |
SIC Code and Operations: |
Number of Mortgages | 1 |
Satisfied Mortgages | 1 |
Part Satisfied Mortgages | 0 |
Unsatisfied Mortgages | 0 |
This is the credit risk assessment used by one of the top UK credit reference agencies. | |
Risk Score (1-100): | HBZ Bank |
Risk Assessment: | |
Credit Rating: | |
First Report Score: (0-10): | |
Financial Status Guide: | 10 VeryStrong 9 Strong 8 Very Good 7 Good 6 Above Average 5 Average 4 Below Average 3 Poor 2 Weak 1 Very Weak 0 Critical |