Grindrod Bank Johannesburg

Grindrod Bank Johannesburg

WITH OUR FOCUS on leveraging a well-capitalised balance sheet with human intellect, Grindrod Bank has been able to build a solid client franchise and act strategically in navigating the evolving financial landscape. Accordingly we source remarkable individuals, with extraordinary drive and professional expertise, to create a truly dynamic niche bank. Employees are encouraged to use innovative thinking and are afforded the autonomy to develop effective and efficient financial products and services for our clients.

Grindrod Bank is a registered financial services provider (NCRCP25) regulated by the South African Reserve Bank, with well-established services in the following areas:

Cash Deposits

•    Commercial Property Finance & Lending

•    Corporate Finance

•    Debtor Finance

•    Exchange Traded Funds

•    Investments

•    Mezzanine Finance

Grindrod Group is a Level 2 contributor. Grindrod Bank Limited is a Level 5 contributor, and is a verified B-BBEE company.

Grindrod Bank Limited is rated by Global Credit Ratings (GCR) and has a ‘stable’ outlook of ‘BBB+(ZA)‘ and A2(ZA) in the long- and short-tem, respectively, as well as an international scale local currency rating BB with an outlook of ‘negative’. Download the full Ratings Report


A flat hierarchical structure facilitates direct access to top management and provides the necessary agility for fast turnarounds on business decisions and deal completions.

David PolkinghorneManaging Director

Andrew BladesExecutive Director


The performance aspirations of Grindrod Bank, ultimately lie in the hands of its people. Motivated teams of exceptional employees are paramount to our success. It is for this reason that we maintain a strong focus on developing our intellectual capital.

Essential ingredients for the success of Grindrod Bank is a working environment where:

•    Employees are treated with dignity and respect;
•    Communication is open, honest and courteous;
•    Ethical standards are high; and
•    Equity is a reality.

Our Employment Equity Committee is in place to ensure that the company promotes equal opportunities and fair treatment to all those within the workplace.

To make enquiries about the bank, please click on the link below to access the contact details.