Bond University Urban Planning

The Master of City Planning program aims to produce innovative practice-oriented graduates with the capacity to play a leading role in creating sustainable cities and regions. 

This program is designed to equip students for rewarding professional work planning for 21st century global-local challenges including rapid urbanization, climate change, resource constraints, globalization, and technological disruption.

ModeOn Campus  and Remote
Due to current travel restrictions, this program will temporarily be delivered using a mixture of on-campus, remote and multi-modal classes to support and engage all students, from all parts of the world.
Duration4 semesters (1 year 4 months)
Starting semestersJanuary 2021
May 2021

September 2021
January 2022
May 2022
September 2022
January 2023
May 2023
September 2023
Program typeMasters Coursework
Study areaArchitecture and Built Environment
Program codeSD-93040
CRICOS code0101288
Credit for prior studyFor more details on applying for credit, please contact the Student Business Centre: [email protected]

Structure and subjects

View the Master of City Planning (Professional) – Program Structure and Sequencing

The structure of the Master of Project Management is based on theoretical and practical subjects. This program is designed in close consultation with prominent industry professional boards to ensure the integrity and contemporary relevance of the degree.

Master of City Planning (Professional) (13 subjects)

To complete a Master of City Planning (Professional), you must complete all of the following subjects: 

Required Subjects (12)

  • SDUP71-200 Urban Spatial Analytics
  • SSUD71-205 Planning the City Region
  • SSUD71-326 Environmental Fieldwork and First Nations Cultures
  • SSUD71-215 Urban Design and Place Making Principles
  • SSUD71-318 Climate Change: Adaptation and Resilience
  • HUMR71-100 Research Methods and Data Visualisation
  • SSUD71-206 Community Planning Studio
  • SDUP71-110 Professional Planning Practice: Theory & Ethics
  • SSUD71-237 Infrastructure and City Economics
  • SSUD71-300 Planning and Assessment Processes
  • SDUP71-400 Research Project
  • SDUP73-100 Professional Portfolio (45 cp)

Plus General Elective (1)

  • Students must choose one elective from the list of available postgraduate subjects from across the University.  Students may apply to do an internship as an elective.

Program fees

The below fees are based on the total estimated program fee divided by the number of standard full-time semesters required to complete the program. Fees may vary based on which subjects are selected and the number of subjects enrolled in for each semester.

Semester program fee:

  • Students commencing study in 2021: $15,063* per semester average

Total program fee:

  • Students commencing study in 2021: $60,250

When considering the fees associated with your studies, keep in mind that Bond’s accelerated schedule means you can finish your degree sooner and be out in the workforce up to a year earlier than most other universities.

This time saving also represents a substantial reduction in accommodation and living costs, plus a full year of extra earnings.

* The fees listed are average costs displayed to provide an indicative program cost only, they may differ to the indicative fee included in the Bond University offer letter due to differences in individual and exact study schedules.

Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.

* Note: for students commencing January 2021 the University has held the 2020 tuition fee amount in recognition of the current circumstances, with 2021 fees effective only from the University’s May 2021 semester.