Bond University Security

Safety and Security is here to support students, staff and the Bond community 24/7. If you ever find yourself in an uncertain situation, feel unsafe or are a victim of sexual assault or harassment, Security can be reached by phone at any hour.


Tel: +61 7 5595 1234 (24 hours)
Email: [email protected]

University Public Safety & Security
Level 1, Building 10 [Campus Map]
Bond University
Gold Coast Queensland 4229

Respect. Now. Always.

Bond University is committed to being a learning and working environment that is a place of safety and respect. 

Security services

In addition to patrolling the campus 24 hours a day, Campus Public Safety and Security has a variety of programs available for students and staff:

  • Safe escort – If working or studying at night, Security will provide an escort to your vehicle or residence.
  • Identification of Valuables – Security will place identification on items of value by engraving and recording retrievable information in order to discourage theft.
  • Crime prevention information – Information is available of a wide variety of topics including drug and alcohol awareness, driving and parking, vehicle theft, residential burglary and property theft.
  • Vehicle parking permits – Vehicle parking for students and staff is free of charge. Every student must complete a vehicle registration form and obtain a sticker from the Security Office prior to parking on campus