Bond University Room Booking

Room Bookings – General Teaching Room

General Principles

  • All bookings must be made via the online booking form, Web Room Booking, accessible through the internet. Telephone or in-person bookings will not be accepted.
  • All bookings for external clients will be made through the Function Centre.
  • All bookings should be made a minimum of three (3) days prior to the event.
  • Bookings cannot be made until the class timetable is completed. Bookings for the following semester will not be accepted before week 9 of current semester.
  • The use of University space for classes takes precedence over non-teaching bookings.
  • Rooms should only be booked for confirmed non-teaching activities and not to reserve rooms for activities that may occur.
  • Bookings received are prioritised by the Student Business Centre in the following way: bookings for the current week, bookings for the next week, bookings after the following week and will be processed in this order.
  • All users making a booking will be sent acknowledgement by email that their request has been received and will subsequently receive a booking confirmation once the booking has been approved. Bookings are not valid until this confirmation has been provided.
  • A confirmation email will be sent within two (2) working days of the booking request.
  • If it is an urgent booking (for the same or the following day) or requires an urgent confirmation, please ring the Student Business Centre on 07 559 54049 after the booking has been submitted.
  • Cancellation of bookings must be notified via the Web Room Booking as soon as a decision to cancel has been made.
  • Rooms must be left according to the standard set up for that specific room. Tables, chairs and equipment must not be removed from any teaching space.
  • All rooms have maximum capacities. The capacity of each room is available and maximums must not be exceeded.
  • Access to exit doors must not be blocked by furniture, fittings, etc.
  • No food or drinks are to be consumed in any of the teaching rooms.
  • All hirers/users are expected to maintain their bookable space in a clean and safe manner and to leave it that way after the event. Any charges for breakages or additional cleaning will be charged to hirers/users.
  • Room booking requests for additional teaching cannot be scheduled within the class free time without the permission of the Dean or Head of School as delegated by the Dean.
  • The University may prohibit or halt any booking which in its opinion is objectionable, dangerous, unlawful, infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties or which is potentially detrimental to Bond University’s reputation and may close any venue accordingly.
  • The University reserves the right to refuse any room booking request without giving reason.
  • Where conflicting or incompatible requests are made by different users, the Timetabling & Examinations Coordinator will attempt to offer a solution in consultation with the relevant parties, but where this is unsatisfactory the matter may be referred to the Timetabling Consultative Group Committee for resolution.
  • Where this committee is unable to achieve a successful resolution, the matter will be referred to the Pro-Vice Chancellor.
  • If you wish to book a room/area other than a general teaching room, please see Web Room Booking page for information.