Bond University Psychology Clinic

The Bond University Psychology Clinic provides an extensive range of assessments and interventions for a broad range of psychological and health-related problems.

Referrals are accepted from medical practitioners, Lawyers, Courts, Schools, Agencies, Families and self-referrals!

Our clients include adults, adolescents, children and families.

Some of the areas we provide assistance with include:

  • depression & other mood disorders
  • anxiety disorders, phobias & panic
  • obsessive & compulsions
  • adjustment to physical & health conditions
  • grief and loss
  • child behaviour problems and disorders
  • parenting and family problems
  • relationship & marital Issues
  • impulsive behaviours
  • conduct & violence problems
  • substance abuse
  • occupational difficulties.

Clinic hours

Consultations are available by appointment and can be made:

Monday – Friday between 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm.

As we do not provide a child-minding service at the Clinic, please do not bring a child to your appointment unless it has been previously agreed that they will be participating in the session.

For 24 hour medical emergencies phone 000.

Appointments and fees

Clinic appointments can be scheduled at a time suitable to both Clients and Provisionally-registered Psychologists. Traditionally a “consultation hour” is approximately 50 minutes; please be sure to arrive on time. The number and frequency of sessions depends on many factors and you may discuss this during your initial session. Due to Psychologist Interns busy schedules and out of respect for other clients please give as much notice as possible if there is a need to cancel an appointment.

APS recommended fees are ordinarily $218 per consultation hour for standard psychological services. Clinic fees are as follows:

  • Free initial consultation
  • $15 for additional therapy sessions

Fees for psychological assessments and reports are determined on a case by case basis. Rates for services to government and community agencies may differ. Variance of fees are negotiated with the Clinic manager prior to receiving service.

Payment is required at the time of consultation. We are not permitted to extend personal credit to individuals. The Clinic accepts payment via EFTPOS, credit cards, cheques and cash.