Bond University Medicine

Bond is one of only a few universities in Australia offering medicine as a program commencing at the undergraduate level. Our medical program is built on the principles of evidence-based practice now embraced by practitioners worldwide. It follows a holistic learning strategy with extensive clinical experience and patient contact integrated from early on in your studies. 

Medical Program

Medical Program is comprised of two sequential degrees:
– Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt)
– Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Entry as an Undergraduate or Graduate Applicant

The Bond Medical Program is open to Year 12 school leavers and to applicants who have completed an eligible tertiary program. 

For entry into the Bond Medical Program, the following definitions apply:

  • Undergraduate – An applicant who has completed an eligible Australian Senior School Certificate (i.e. Queensland Year 12 or equivalent) with, or without, incomplete tertiary studies.
  • Graduate – An applicant who has completed an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate program.

Bond University will offer approximately 80% of available places to undergraduate applicants and the remainder to graduate applicants.

Applicants should also refer to the Entry Assessment table for guidance on whether to apply as an undergraduate or graduate applicant. Qualifications older than nine years immediately preceding the close of applications for the relevant application period cannot be considered.

Age requirement

Applicants must be 17 years of age at the time of commencement of the Bond Medical Program. If the applicant does not meet the age requirement, they will not be permitted to enrol even if they have met all admission requirements. The applicant will have to re-apply for admission when they are able to meet this requirement.

Assessment process

Enrolments in the program are strictly limited to ensure small class sizes and sufficient clinical placements. As such, entry is extremely competitive, therefore applicants are selected through a rigorous assessment process:

Step 1: Academic Assessment

Applicants will be assessed on their prior academic record and prerequisites through their QTAC application. Top-ranked applicants will be invited to complete Step 2 of the assessment process. 

Step 2: Psychometric Test

Selected applicants are offered the opportunity to complete an online psychometric test. This test will be available for a specific time period and incur a fee, to be paid by the applicant directly to the test provider. The results of the psychometric test will determine if an applicant is shortlisted for an interview (the next step of the assessment process).

Step 3: Interview

Shortlisted applicants are invited to an interview in person at Bond University on the Gold Coast, where their general suitability to medicine and preparedness to undertake a highly demanding course will be examined in a structured multi mini interview (MMI).

Applicants will be assessed on the following:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Demonstrated ability to achieve graduate outcomes of:
    • Knowledge and critical thinking
    • Leadership, Initiative and teamwork
    • Communication skills
    • Responsibility

Once the interviews are complete, successful applicants are made on offer into the Bond Medical Program. This offer must be accepted within a specified timeframe. Bond University may make subsequent offers until all available places are filled.

Domestic / International Student Entry

Direct entry into the Bond Medical Program is currently only open to Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, holders of an Australian Humanitarian visa and New Zealand citizens (but not New Zealand permanent residents) at the time of application.

Students, including New Zealand citizens, who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents may not be automatically entitled to registration, internship, and access to a provider number in Australia. Graduates who wish to stay in Australia after graduation must make their own enquiries regarding their situation related to these matters as they lie beyond the control of the University.

In Australia, the number of internships is controlled by the relevant health industry in each state/territory, and Australian citizens and permanent residents currently receive priority for internship access. Graduates wishing to register in their home country or graduates wishing to practise medicine in countries other than Australia must contact the professional medical associations in that country to determine requirements to practice. Bond University is not responsible for organising any internship or medical registration of students upon their graduation.

International students may gain entry to the Bond Medical program via an approved Bond University pathway.

Pathways into Medicine

Domestic and international students eligible to graduate from the following Bond University programs: Bachelor of Biomedical Science (in the Pre-Health Professional major), the Master of Occupational Therapy, the Doctor of Physiotherapy or the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice are eligible to be considered for entry into Year 2 of the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) program. Places in Year 2 of the BMedSt are limited to graduates of these programs only and are subject to availability.

Students must achieve a minimum GPA to be selected for psychometric testing and the interview. Successful students will commence in Year 2 of the Bachelor of Medical Studies and subject to satisfactory academic progress, progress into the Doctor of Medicine (MD).

*The Medical Program is comprised of two sequential degrees – the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) and the Doctor of Medicine (MD). All students selected for entry into the Medical Program will have to complete both the BMedSt and MD to be eligible for registration as a medical practitioner in any state or territory in Australia or New Zealand. Both degrees are awarded at the completion of Year 5.