Bond University Hardship Fund

Are you experiencing unexpected financial challenges and need support? You may be eligible to apply for a grant from the Student Hardship Fund 211.

The University has established the Student Hardship Fund to support students during specific periods and individual circumstances of financial hardship. The Student Hardship Fund 211 can provide some financial relief where your personal circumstances have left you unable to meet living costs and study expenses.

The fund is supported by donations from our generous alumni, community members and Bond University.


Bond University students are eligible to apply for a grant from the Student Hardship Fund 211 for between $500 and $2,000 per student.

A student must meet all the following eligibility requirements:

  • be enrolled at Bond University for semester one (211);
  • be able to provide evidence that they are experiencing financial hardship;
  • must not have unpaid fines or penalties on their student account (other than the current semester fees);
  • must not be studying as an exchange, study abroad or cross institution student.

Financial Hardship can be confirmed in any of the following ways:

  • evidence of significant expenses that the student cannot meet, for example, rent, mortgage, medical expenses, other living expenses;
  • evidence of financial hardship, for example, current bank statement, current credit card statement, statutory declaration, proof of reduced or loss of income, proof of reduced or loss of income of parent(s) or caregiver(s) if financially dependent and/or living at home, Centrelink Income Statement, employment status (for example, payslips), accommodation status etc.

It is the responsibility of the student to supply all relevant documentation and supporting evidence at the time of application – a minimum of 2 documents must be provided, including a current bank statement and a current credit card statement (if you hold a credit card).


Applications for the Student Hardship Fund 211 will be open from 9am, Monday 1 February 2021 until 5pm, Sunday 14 March 2021.

Please complete the online application form. This includes your personal details and a short statement outlining your circumstances. You will also need to attach a MINIMUM of 2 supporting documents, which MUST be include a current bank statement and a current credit card statement (if you hold a credit card).


Who can apply for these funds?

All Bond University students who are enrolled in degrees, diplomas, diploma preparation and foundation programs at the University and Bond University College in semester one (211).

Terms and conditions

Funds will not be awarded in the following circumstances:

  • to those students studying as an exchange, study abroad or cross institution student;
  • where applications are incomplete or fail to meet application requirements in any way.

It is not the intended purpose of the fund to meet all of the financial obligations of the student.

Students are limited to one application to the Student Hardship Fund Semester 211.

Students must maintain enrolment and a passing GPA for the semester. 

Students who defer or withdraw during the semester or found to have provided false information will be required to re-pay any Student Hardship Fund Semester 211 grant they have received. The value of the grant will be charged to the student account and must be paid in full prior to graduation. 

Accessing funds

If you are successful in obtaining a grant, approved funds will be paid into your nominated account. A payment form will be provided to successful applicants.

Funds are non-transferrable and can only be paid to the applicant.