Upon completion of your semester at Bond, you will be sent a Digital Transcript through “My eQuals”.
Bond University’s grading system works on a four-point scale as follows:
Grade | Description | % mark range | US Equivalent | ECTS Equivalent |
4 | High Distinction | 85-100 | A+ | 1.00-1.50 |
3 | Distinction | 75-84 | A | 1.51-2.50 |
2 | Credit | 65-74 | B | 2.51-3.50 |
1 | Pass | 50-64 | C | 3.51-4.00 |
0 | Fail | <50 | F | >4 |
Under the Bond system, a standard subject is worth 10 credit points. This generally equates to 3 or 4 credits in the US system or 7.5 in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). (Grade conversions are based on a standard institution). Bond does not recognise pass conceded.
This information should only be used as a guide. Each home institution has the right to translate credits as they deem appropriate so it is important to speak to them before you leave and confirm how many credits you will receive for your studies here.
To find out the semester start dates, see our Academic Calendar