Bond University Fee Help

FEE-HELP is an interest free loan that helps eligible fee paying students pay their tuition fees.

The accumulated debt is indexed according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). FEE-HELP applies to undergraduate study and postgraduate coursework and research study.

Eligibility for FEE-HELP

The following cohorts of students are eligible to apply for a FEE-HELP loan to cover the costs of tuition fees at Bond University:

  • Australian citizens undertaking at least one subject in Australia
  • Permanent humanitarian visa holders living in Australia for the duration of the program
  • Permanent visa holders who are enrolled in bridging study for overseas-trained professionals and living in Australia for the duration of the program.
  • Maintain a pass rate of more than 50 per cent 
  • New Zealand citizens who meet the eligibility requirements. 

A Tax File Number is needed to access the Australian Government’s Higher Education Loan Program. From January 2021, new higher education students will also need a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to be eligible. Applications for a USI are free and obtained through a short application process online

Submitting a FEE-HELP application

If you have received an offer from Bond University and have your Student Identification Number (SID) you can submit a FEE-HELP application online using your eStudent account as follows:

  • Login to eStudent via the Student Portal
  • Select FEE-HELP form tab
  • Enter details including your tax file number (TFN), Unique Student Identifier (USI) and submit the form online. If you have applied for a TFN but have not received it as yet, please upload you application summary and receipt from Australia Post as requested
  • DO NOT print the form as it won’t be accepted

Application forms must be completed by Friday, Week 2 of the semester of commencement. A new form must be submitted if you change your program of study.

HELP loan limits

On 1 January 2020, the FEE-HELP loan limits became the HELP loan limits. Any existing FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans will count towards your HELP loan limit. Any HECS-HELP borrowed from 1 January 2020 onwards will also count towards your HELP loan limit.

On 1 January 2020, your FEE-HELP balance became your HELP balance.

In 2021 the combined HELP loan limit is $108,232 for most students. The limit for students in the ^Medical Program is $155,448.

Loan fees and interest

From 1 January 2019, the 25% FEE-HELP loan fee was abolished for domestic undergraduate students at Bond University. This only applies to units of study with a census date on or after 1 January 2019.

There is no interest charged on HELP loans. However, once your debt is more than 11 months old it is subject to indexation in line with the Consumer Price Index on 1 June each year.