Bond University Business

The Bachelor of Business prepares students for a variety of possible career paths by offering a broad range of advanced study options. These options include Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Business, Management, Marketing, Marketing Communication and Tourism Management. All students complete a major from one of these options, but may also choose to add a second major, a minor, or create a tailored set of subjects from across the university to complete their degree.

ModeOn Campus and Remote
Due to current travel restrictions, this program will temporarily be delivered using a mixture of on-campus, remote and multi-modal classes to support and engage all students, from all parts of the world. 
Duration6 semesters (2 years)
Starting semestersJanuary 2021May 2021September 2021January 2022May 2022September 2022January 2023May 2023September 2023
Program typeBachelors Degree
Study areaBusiness and Commerce
Program codeBN-10014
CRICOS code063055G
Credit for prior studyFor more details on applying for credit, please contact the Student Business Centre: [email protected]

Structure and subjects

The Bachelor of Business program comprises 24 subjects, as follows:

University core subjects (3)

  • CORE11-001 Critical Thinking and Communication
  • CORE11-002 Collaboration, Teams and Leadership
  • CORE11-003 Responsibility, Integrity and Civic Discourse

Plus: CORE11-004 Beyond Bond: Professional Development and Community Engagement

Required subjects (9)

  • ACCT11-100 Accounting for Decision Making
  • BUSN13-331 Business Model Generation
  • BUSN13-332 Business Model Execution
  • ECON11-100 Principles of Economics
  • FINC12-200 Fundamentals of Finance
  • LAWS10-100 Business Law
  • MGMT13-305 Human Resource Management
  • MKTG11-100 Marketing
  • Alternate Choice: You must complete one of the following two subjects:
    • STAT11-111 Business Statistics
    • STAT11-112 Quantitative Methods

Business Major (6)

Students must select one (1) major from the following list. Business majors.

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Marketing communication
  • Tourism Management
Electives (6)

Students can choose up to 60 Credit Points of General Elective Subjects (60cp).

  • General elective – A subject that may be chosen from any subject on offer across the University provided requisites, enrolment restrictions and any other faculty requirements have been met.

You are also encouraged to complete a second major or minor to diversify your skills and enhance your employability

Second Major

  • Any major from the Bond Business School is available for a second major. Please note, when choosing a second major, that due to the structure of some majors a full sequence of subjects cannot be provided for full accreditation. i.e Accounting and Actuarial Science. Please discuss with the Enrolment Advisor in the Student Business Centre if uncertain of choices.


  • A minor is a set of subjects that are sufficient to establish proficiency in a discipline without having to take all of the subjects that a major would take. All minors in the Bond Business School are available to Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Actuarial Science students.


Students may also choose one of the following opportunities to use your elective subject to have international experiences or an Internship opportunity provided you meet the requirements. Please discuss with the Enrolment Advisor in the Student Business Centre.

Study Tour
  • The Study Tour requires approval from the Faculty. (Please note that additional costs and visa requirements are associated with this subject).
Business Internship
  • The Internship requires a 2.0 GPA and approval from the Faculty with an application to the Career Development Centre.
Individual Study Topic
  • The Individual Study Topic is only available in exceptional circumstances and requires the Program Director’s approval.

Please visit BBS Program Structure and Sequencing for guidance on study plans

The following opportunities are also available to Bond Business School students.

  • BUSN13-730: Business School International Semester
    Students will be undertaking study at approved overseas institutes offering an international internship experience program, facilitating both academic study courses and practical industry internship placement
  • Bond International Exchange Program
    Current Bond students have the opportunity to study at one of 80+ leading universities in our network of exclusive international partnerships, for one or two semesters. 
Important note for first semester students

You will be registered in the Bond Business Mentoring Program, designed for all new undergraduate students. Please be advised that the first gathering is scheduled during the Bond Business School orientation. If you require further information please email [email protected]

The below fees are based on the total estimated program fee divided by the number of standard full-time semesters required to complete the program. Fees may vary based on which subjects are selected and the number of subjects enrolled in for each semester.

Semester program fee:

  • Students commencing study in 2021: $15,560* per semester average

Total program fee:

  • Students commencing study in 2021: $93,360

When considering the fees associated with your studies, keep in mind that Bond’s accelerated schedule means you can finish your degree sooner and be out in the workforce up to a year earlier than most other universities.

This time saving also represents a substantial reduction in accommodation and living costs, plus a full year of extra earnings.