Bond University Bachelor Of Medicine

The Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) is the first of two sequential degrees at Bond University that must be completed in order to be eligible to practice medicine. The Bachelor of Medical Studies is an undergraduate program, located at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework.

ModeOn Campus
Duration2 years 8 months (8 semesters)
Starting semestersPlease see important dates and deadlines.
Program typeBachelors Degree
Study areaMedicine
Program codeCC-60026
CRICOS code0101292
Credit for prior studyFor more details on applying for credit, please contact the Student Business Centre: [email protected]

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) is the second of two sequential degrees at Bond University that must be completed in order to be eligible to practise medicine. This program is not available as a standalone program. All students must complete the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) at Bond University to progress into the MD. The Doctor of Medicine is a Masters Extended program, located at level 9 of the Australian Qualifications Framework.

ModeOn Campus
Duration2 years (6 semesters)
Starting semestersPlease see important dates and deadlines.
Program typeMasters Extended
Study areaMedicine
Program codeCC-63048
CRICOS code0101293
Credit for prior studyFor more details on applying for credit, please contact the Student Business Centre: [email protected]

Entry requirements

Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt)

The Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) is open to Year 12 school leavers and to students who have started or completed an undergraduate program, with a competitive ATAR/OP or GPA. Bond University will be offering 80% of total places to undergraduate applicants and 20% of total places to graduate applicants.

For entry into the Medical Program, the following definitions apply:

  • Undergraduate – An applicant who has completed High School Senior Certificate (equivalent to Queensland Year 12) with, or without, incomplete tertiary studies.
  • Graduate – An applicant who has completed a bachelor degree.

Enrolments in the program are strictly limited to ensure small class sizes and sufficient clinical placements. As such, entry is extremely competitive.

Domestic and international students eligible to graduate from the Bond University programs: the Bachelor of Biomedical Science (in the Pre-Health Professional major), the Master of Occupational Therapy, the Doctor of Physiotherapy or the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice, meeting the minimum required GPA will be eligible to be considered for selection to enter Year 2 of the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt). Currently, this is the only pathway into the Bachelor of Medical Studies available via graduate entry, and to international students.

Please note that psychometric testing has now been included as part of the selection process from the 2018 intake for the Medical program. For more information regarding entry requirements visit the Entry requirements page.

Doctor of Medicine

Entry into the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program is only via the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) program at Bond University.

For more information regarding entry requirements visit the Entry requirements page.