Auckland University Of Technology Fees

You need to pay tuition fees to study at AUT. The tuition fee varies depending on your programme and the combination of papers you study.

Your exact fees will be calculated at the time of invoicing. There may also be other fees and charges you need to pay.

Students starting tertiary study for the first time may be eligible for one year of full-time study fees free.

New international students have the option of paying either their first year of fees or pay for their entire programme of study upfront, thus avoiding any fee increases in later years.

The fees published on this website provide an estimate for the range of costs associated with full-time study, based on estimates from the paper selection of previous student enrolments within each qualification. Part-time students pay a proportion of the full-time fee.

Tuition fees at AUT

You need to pay tuition fees to study at AUT. The below provides an estimate for the range of costs associated with full-time study, based on estimates from the paper selection of previous student enrolments within each qualification. Part-time students pay a proportion of the full-time fee.

All fees are in NZ dollars and include GST.

Find fees for your course

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Architecture and Future Environments  $6,712  $37,000
Bachelor of Design  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)  $6,712 – $8,711  $41,184
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Master of Architecture (Professional)  $8,711  $37,000
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461

Art and design

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Design  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Bachelor of Visual Arts  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Certificate in Science and Technology  $6,712  $31,168
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Master of Design  $8,711  $36,962
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Visual Arts  $8,711  $36,962


CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $6,652  $31,890
Bachelor of Business  $6,712 – $7,060  $31,890
Bachelor of Business (Honours)  $8,711  $33,330
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communication Studies Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,852  $31,890
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,742  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Health Science in Psychology Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of International Hospitality Management Conjoint Programmes  $6,712- $6,785  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,876  $34,412
Certificate in Business  $3,356  $16,000
Certificate in Business Studies  $3,121 – $3,356  $16,000
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Business  $3,356  $15,945
Graduate Diploma in Business  $6,712 – $6,811  $31,890
Master of Applied Finance  $18,697  $49,995
Master of Business  $8,711  $33,330
Master of Business Administration  $27,744  $53,715 (full 2020 tuition fee)
Master of Business Management  $18,697  $49,995
Master of Global Business  $18,697  $49,995
Master of Marketing  $18,697  $49,995
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Professional Accounting  $21,910  $49,995
Postgraduate Certificate in Business  $4,355  $16,665
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration  $13,872  $17,905
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Studies  $9,347  $16,660
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Accounting  $10,955  $16,665
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Finance  $18,697  $33,330
Postgraduate Diploma in Business  $8,711  $33,330
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration  $27,744  $35,810
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management  $18,697  $33,330
Postgraduate Diploma in Global Business  $18,697  $33,330
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing  $18,697  $33,330
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting  $21,910  $33,330

Communication studies

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communication Studies Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,852  $31,890
Bachelor of Communication Studies  $6,242 – $7,174  $29,670
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Master of Communication Studies  $8,711  $33,063
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Communication Studies  $4,355  $16,532
Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Studies  $8,711  $33,063

Creative technologies

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Creative Technologies  $6,712 – $6,811  $33,836
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Master of Creative Technologies  $8,711  $34,871
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Technologies  $4,355  $17,435.50



CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts $6,242 – $7,010 $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) $8,711 $31,160
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes $6,242 – $6,652 $31,890
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes $6,242 – $7,174 $33,836
Bachelor of Education ([Specialty] Teaching) $6,242 – $6,918 $29,216
Certificate in Arts $3,355 $14,608
Diploma in Arts $6,711 $29,216
Doctor of Education $6,750 $36,950
Doctor of Philosophy $6,885 $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Arts $3,121 – $3,209 $15,180
Graduate Diploma in Arts $6,242 – $6,344 $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Graduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching $6,712 – $7,019 $29,216
Master of Education $8,711 $31,647
Master of Philosophy $6,885 $37,461
Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) $13,066 – $13,653 $49,626
Postgraduate Certificate in Education $4,355 $15,823
Postgraduate Diploma in Education $8,711 $31,647

Engineering, computer and mathematical sciences

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $7,174  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,742  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,876  $34,412
Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences  $6,712 – $6,790  $33,836
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)  $6,712 – $8,711  $41,184
Bachelor of Engineering Technology  $6,712 – $6,793  $41,184
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences  $6,242 – $6,613  $31,890
Bachelor of Science  $6,712 – $6,919  $34,412
Bachelor of Science (Honours)  $8,711  $36,895
Certificate in Science and Technology  $6,712  $31,168
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences  $3,356  $17,160
Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Sciences  $3,121 – $3,130  $17,160
Graduate Certificate in Science  $3,356 – $3,365  $17,206
Graduate Diploma in Computer and Information Sciences  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Graduate Diploma in Mathematica l Sciences  $6,242 – $6,299  $32,850
Graduate Diploma in Science  $6,712 – $6,881  $34,412
Master of Analytics  $8,711  $36,962
Master of Computer and Information Sciences  $8,711  $36,962
Master of Construction Management  $8,711  $40,453
Master of Engineering  $8,711  $39,655
Master of Engineering Project Management  $8,711  $39,655
Master of Information Security and Digital Forensics  $8,711  $36,962
Master of IT Project Management  $8,711  $36,962
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Science  $8,711  $55,343
Postgraduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences  $4,356  $18,481
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering  $4,356  $19,828
Postgraduate Certificate in Science  $4,356  $18,447
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer and Information Sciences  $8,711  $36,962
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering  $8,711  $39,655
Postgraduate Diploma in Science  $8,711  $36,895

Health sciences

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Health Science in Psychology Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,761  $33,836
Bachelor of Health Science  $6,712 – $6,930 ($6,712 – $7,482 for Paramedicine only)  $33,836 ($37,461 for Paramedicine only)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)  $8,711  $36,895
Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery)  $6,712 – $6,894  $37,461
Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)  $6,712 – $7,052  $35,310
Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy)  $6,712 – $6,892  $33,836
Bachelor of Health Science (Oral Health)  $6,712 – $10,362  $41,715
Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy)  $6,712 – $7,000  $37,461
Bachelor of Health Science (Podiatry)  $6,712 – $7,281  $37,461
Diploma in Paramedic Science  $6,712  $37,461
Doctor of Health Science  $6,885  $38,059
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Health Science  $3,356 – $3,446  $16,918
Graduate Diploma in Health Science  $6,712  $33,836
Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy Studies  $6,712 – $6,931  $33,836
Master of Emergency Management  $8,711  $36,895
Master of Health Practice  $8,711  $36,895
Master of Health Science  $8,711  $36,895
Master of Nursing Science  $8,711  $37,461
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Psychotherapy  $8,711  $42,282
Master of Public Health  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice  $4,355  $18,447
Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency Management  $4,355  $18,650
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science  $4,355 – $4,589  $18,447
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health  $4,355  $17,912
Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Management  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Diploma in Registered Nurse Prescribing  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology  $8,711  $36,895

Hospitality, tourism and events

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts  $6,242 – $7,010  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $6,652  $31,890
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $7,174  $33,836
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of International Hospitality Management Conjoint Programmes  $6,712- $6,785  $33,836
Bachelor of International Hospitality Management  $6,712 – $7,034  $31,477
Bachelor of International Tourism Management  $6,712 – $7,030  $31,477
Certificate in Arts  $3,355  $14,608
Diploma in Arts  $6,711  $29,216
Diploma in Culinary Arts  $6,712 – $6,729  $30,395
Diploma in Pâtisserie  $6,712 – $6,729  $30,395
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Arts  $3,121 – $3,209  $15,180
Graduate Certificate in International Hospitality Management  $3,356 – $3,393  $15,738
Graduate Certificate in International Tourism Management  $3,356 – $3,413  $15,738
Graduate Diploma in Arts  $6,242 – $6,344  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Graduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management  $6,712 – $6,785  $31,477
Graduate Diploma in International Tourism Management  $6,712  $31,477
Master of Gastronomy  $8,711 – $9,146  $33,079
Master of International Hospitality Management  $8,711  $33,084
Master of International Tourism Management  $8,711  $33,084
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Gastronomy  $4,355 – $4,574  $16,539
Postgraduate Certificate in International Hospitality Management  $4,355  $16,542
Postgraduate Certificate in International Tourism Management  $4,355  $16,542
Postgraduate Diploma in Gastronomy  $8,711 – $9,146  $33,079
Postgraduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management  $8,711  $33,084
Postgraduate Diploma in International Tourism Management  $8,711  $33,084

Language and culture

Language and culture

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts $6,242 – $7,010 $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) $8,711 $31,160
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes $6,242 – $6,652 $31,890
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes $6,242 – $7,174 $33,836
Certificate in Arts $3,355 $14,608
Certificate in English for Academic Study $3,121 $15,372
Diploma in Arts $6,711 $29,216
Diploma in English Language $6,342 $29,216
Diploma in Japanese $6,342 $29,216
Doctor of Philosophy $6,885 $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Arts $3,121 – $3,209 $15,180
Graduate Diploma in Arts $6,242 – $6,344 $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Master of Arts $8,711 $31,160 ($9,319 Māori Development only)
Master of Creative Writing $8,711 $33,058
Master of English and New Media Studies $8,711 $33,058
Master of Language and Culture $8,711 $33,063
Master of Philosophy $6,885 $37,461
Master of Professional Language Studies – Language Teaching $8,711 $31,647
Postgraduate Certificate in Arts $4,355 $16,040
Postgraduate Certificate in English and New Media Studies $4,355 $16,529
Postgraduate Certificate in Language and Culture $4,355 $16,532
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts $8,711 $32,095 ($9,319 Māori Development only)
Postgraduate Diploma in English and New Media Studies $8,711 $33,058
Postgraduate Diploma in Language and Culture $8,711 $33,063


CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Laws  $6,712 – $7,002  $33,836
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)  $8,711 – $9,009  $35,360
Certificate in Legal Studies  $3,356  $16,000
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Master of Laws  $8,711 – $9,063  $35,360
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Law  $4,355 – $4,532  $17,680


CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)  $8,711  $36,895
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science Conjoint Programmes  $6,712 – $6,876  $34,412
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science  $6,712 – $7,273  $37,688
Bachelor of Science  $6,712 – $6,919  $34,412
Bachelor of Science (Honours)  $8,711  $36,895
Certificate in Applied Science  $6,712 – $6,739  $33,068
Diploma in Applied Science  $6,712 – $6,883  $33,068
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Science  $3,356 – $3,365  $17,206
Graduate Diploma in Science  $6,712 – $6,881  $34,412
Master of Medical Laboratory Science  $8,711  $38,419
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Science  $8,711  $55,343
Master of Science (Research)  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science  $4,355  $19,210
Postgraduate Certificate in Science  $4,356  $18,447
Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science  $8,711  $38,419
Postgraduate Diploma in Science  $8,711  $36,895

Social sciences and public policy

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts  $6,242 – $7,010  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)  $8,711  $31,160
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $6,652  $31,890
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $7,174  $33,836
Certificate in Arts  $3,355  $14,608
Diploma in Arts  $6,711  $29,216
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Arts  $3,121 – $3,209  $15,180
Graduate Diploma in Arts  $6,242 – $6,344  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Master of Arts  $8,711  $31,160 ($9,319 Māori Development only)
Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice  $8,711  $33,084
Master of Human Rights  $8,711  $49,626 (full 2020 tuition fee)
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Arts  $4,355  $16,040
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Rights  $4,355  $16,542
Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology and Criminal Justice  $8,711  $33,084
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights  $8,711  $33,084

Sport and recreation

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Sport and Recreation  $6,242 – $8,912  $33,836
Bachelor of Sport and Recreation (Honours)  $8,711  $36,895
Certificate in Sport and Recreation  $3,356  $14,608
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise  $3,121 – $3,841  $16,918
Graduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise  $6,712 – $6,763  $33,836
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Master of Sport and Exercise  $8,711  $36,895
Postgraduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise  $4,355  $18,447
Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise  $8,711  $36,895

Te Ara Poutama: Māori and indigenous development

CourseDomestic fee International fee 
Bachelor of Arts  $6,242 – $7,010  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $6,652  $31,890
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes  $6,242 – $7,174  $33,836
Bachelor of Māori Development – Māori Media  $6,242 – $6,535  $7,384
Certificate in Arts  $3,355  $14,608
Diploma in Arts  $6,711  $29,216
Doctor of Philosophy  $6,885  $38,059 (Offshore study) $6,885 (Onshore study in New Zealand)
Graduate Certificate in Arts  $3,121 – $3,209  $15,180
Graduate Diploma in Arts  $6,242 – $6,344  $29,216 ($7,384 Māori Development only)
Master of Arts  $8,711  $31,160 ($9,319 Māori Development only)
Master of Philosophy  $6,885  $37,461
Postgraduate Certificate in Arts  $4,355  $16,040
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts  $8,711  $32,095 ($9,319 Māori Development only)

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