Auckland University Of Technology Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Conjoint

A BE(Hons)/LLB(Hons) conjoint allows you to complete a BE(Hons) and the LLB(Hons) in less time, and with fewer points, than it would take to complete the two degrees separately.

This degree equips you with the specialist knowledge to solve problems and critically engage with policies in our increasingly complex technical environments.

The study of both Law and Engineering requires distinct capabilities that match the high demands of their professions – theoretical knowledge, analytical and research abilities, social appreciation, public responsibility, and communication skills. These are qualities essential to solve complex problems, and are applicable to broader areas such as management, intellectual property and more.

2020 entry requirements

New Zealand qualifications

Entry is by invitation for high-achieving Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Laws (BE(Hons)/LLB) Part II students. 

To be considered for the Law honours programme, you must achieve a B+ average or higher across all your Law courses at the completion of LLB Part II during your BE(Hons)/LLB. (This is usually at the end of your third year.)

Other pathways to study

You could be eligible for another programme, or check out these alternative pathways:

  • See if you meet the criteria for the Undergraduate Targeted Admission Scheme (UTAS).
  • Bridge your educational gap with a preparation and foundation programme.
  • If you are under 20, have no formal University Entrance (UE) qualification, and are a New Zealand or Australian citizen or permanent resident you can apply for discretionary entrance.
  • If you can demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and maturity, we offer admission to applicants under 16.

Subjects available in this programme

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Systems Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Engineering Science
  • Law
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Structural Engineering

Programme structure

The BE(Hons)/LLB(Hons) is an 885-point conjoint can be completed in 6.5 years (13 semesters). You will be required to complete:

  • 420 points from the BE(Hons) in your first four years
  • 465 points from the LLB(Hons) within 6.5 years

The first year of your degree will comprise Engineering core courses, CHEMMAT 121, ENGSCI 111, ENGGEN 115, 121, 131, 140, 199 and ELECTENG 101, as well as three law courses. The latter will include LAW 121G, which also doubles as the mandatory General Education course to fulfil the requirements of the BE(Hons). You’ll also need to complete the University’s Academic Integrity course.

To complete in 6.5 years (13 semesters), you could enrol in eight 15-point courses in your first year (120 points), nine 15-point courses (135 points) in each of the next five years, and then five 15-point courses in your final semester. This is a higher load than the standard enrolment of 120 points a year.

You need to maintain a Grade Point Average of 3.5 each year to continue with your conjoint.

Your overall programme structure for the subsequent years is dependent on your chosen Engineering specialisation – this is a decision made at the end of your first year. A conjoint planner is available for each BE(Hons) specialisation to ensure that you’re enrolling in the courses required to complete your programme over the subsequent years. You will also undertake a 40-hour workshop practice course in your second year and 800 hours of practical experience to fulfil the requirements of the BE(Hons).

You can choose from a wide range of Law elective courses, including Corporate and Commercial, Public, Criminal, International, Family, and Environmental Law.

As per the requirements of the LLB(Hons), you’ll have to take an additional 20 points of Law seminar courses, and submit a 40-point dissertation in your final year of study.

Key dates

Please note: We will consider late applications if places are still available. International students should start the application process as early as possible to allow sufficient time to apply for a visa.

Application closing dates

Semester One 20218 December 2020

Start dates

Here are the start dates for the programme.

Semester OneStarts – 2 March
Ends – 29 June
Semester OneStarts – 1 March
Ends – 28 June