Apply For a African Bank Loan

Apply For a African Bank Loan

Applying online for the kind of loan you want is easy. Qualifying loans are deposited straight into your existing bank account. Your loan is insured for peace of mind, and you can manage your repayments with our free online banking services.

Personal loan

Planning to buy a car, renovate your home or improve your education? Our Personal Loan offers many features which give you more value than you might have expected. 

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Consolidation loan

Simplify your debt with one consolidation loan. Combine up to 5 loans into one single consolidation of up to R250 000 and get one lower repayment

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The 15% loan

With a low interest rate fixed at 15% you will always have the peace of mind of knowing that your repayments will stay the same, with a fixed interest rate and fixed monthly repayments.

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