Auckland University Of Technology Domestic Student Payment Options

Make sure you allow plenty of time for your payment to be processed by the due date. Your payment due date is printed on your fees invoice. If you don’t pay in full by the due date, you risk losing your place in class and AUT may suspend your access to university services.

There are many ways you can pay your domestic student fees at AUT.

Online payment (through Arion)

You can make secure online payments by credit card or internet banking by logging into > Online Finance > Online Payment

Make a secure online payment through Arion

You have two options to pay online:

  1. Use your Mastercard or Visa credit card or
  2. Online banking (Account2Account) – make a secure bank transfer via your internet banking

Please note:

  • You can only pay online through your Arion account if you have an invoice to be paid.
  • There will be no need to disclose your personal banking details to a third party. When making a payment online, if it doesn’t receipt automatically in your Arion account, contact the Student Hub.

Bank transfer

  • Make a direct fee payment into AUT’s bank account using the details below
  • Remember to include the reference, so payments can be tracked easily
  • Allow three days for processing of your payment to show in your Arion account – contact the Student Hub

Account name: Auckland University of Technology
Bank name: ANZ Banking Group (NZ) Ltd
Branch: Cnr Queen and Victoria Streets, Auckland, New Zealand
Account no: 01-01-02-0014577-00
Reference: Student ID number and Surname, First name (Ensure that the bank provides these details)

In person at the AUT Student Hub

Pay by cash¹, EFTPOS, cheque², or credit card at:

  • City Campus: Level 2, WA building
  • North Campus: Level 1, AS building
  • South Campus: MB building

¹ Only available at the City and North Campus. Cashiers can’t accept cash after 3pm.
² Only available at the City and North Campus. If you pay by cheque, write your name, student ID, address and programme of study on the reverse of your cheque.

Student loan

  • Your fees will be paid directly to AUT from StudyLink
  • As soon as your student loan has been approved, Studylink will contact AUT to request details of your course of study
  • AUT will confirm your details with StudyLink to allow payment of fees to proceed
  • You’re responsible for ensuring that your fees are paid on time

Student loans and allowances are offered by StudyLink. You can view a step-by-step guide to the student loan and allowance application process on the StudyLink website. If you have questions about your student loan application, you can contact StudyLink.

Student loan and allowance application process on StudyLink website

Your student loan application will take a minimum of four weeks to be approved and paid. So, you need to apply for your student loan or student allowance at least two months before your study starts. As soon as your student loan has been approved, StudyLink will contact AUT to request details of your course of study, and AUT will confirm your details with StudyLink to allow payment of fees directly to AUT.

It is your responsibility to make sure your fees are paid on time. To check the status of your loan application or StudyLink payment, contact StudyLink.

Contact StudyLink

Company guarantee, scholarships or third-party payments

A letter or official order form from an acceptable organisation or employer guaranteeing payment of fees will need to be attached to your fees statement/tax invoice prior to the invoice due date and emailed to [email protected].

If your tuition fees are covered by an AUT scholarship

Contact the Scholarships Office at [email protected]

If your tuition fees are paid by an external scholarship, trust fund, employer etc

Ask the third party concerned to email [email protected], prior to the invoice due date for advice regarding fee payment.