University Of Waikato Email

Gmail allows for an unparalleled flexibility and capacity: all you need is a web browser and internet access, and you’ll be tapped into all the features that set Gmail apart from other email services. With great collaboration applications included, projects can be coordinated and tackled with ease.

As part of the agreement between the University of Waikato and Google, your email has enhanced privacy, security and comes with full ITS (Information & Technology Services) support.

Great features and benefits of Gmail:

Store – 25 GB of storage space. You will never have to delete any email ever again. Keep everything you want.
Organise – conversations, labeling, and filtering make your inbox intuitive.
Search – just Google it! Use keywords to search your mailbox. 
Less spam – Gmail blocks spam before it gets to your inbox
Conversation view – messages are grouped with the relevant responses, so you can always see messages in context.
On the go – access Gmail from your phone – regardless of which device you use.

Email Address

Email addresses for all staff members will now be [email protected].

This does not change the email account creation process. All emails are created as <username> When new email accounts are created they will now include an alias following the above format which staff are to use for day to day communication.

Please check our Email Naming Conventions for more information.

Accessing Your Email

You can check your email through the web interface (Webmail) by going to or through Outlook (see setup below). If you log on to other computers on campus and wish to use Outlook to check your mail you will need to setup Outlook first if you haven’t set it up on that computer before.

If you are having issues accessing any Google Apps you can check the current status at the Google Apps Status Dashboard

Staff have over 25 GB of space available in their mailbox. You can check the size/usage by looking at the bottom of the screen when in the web client.

Forwarding Mail

We do not forward emails. Staff set their own forwarding and filters through the Gmail web client.

Setup Mail Delegation

You can grant access to your Waikato Gmail account by adding a delegate.

What your delegate can and cannot do

Delegates can do things like:

  • Send or reply to emails that were sent to you. When they send a message, their email address will show. For example, the sender will show as ‘sent by [email protected].’
  • Read messages sent to you
  • Delete messages sent to you

Delegates can’t do things like:

  • Chat with anyone for you
  • Change your Gmail password

Archived / Deleted Mail

Google Spanning is a backup of all of your sent and received email that is retained for 10 years. For information on recovering deleted or archived mail see Google Spanning.

Spam & Junk Mail

Following the transition from Postini to Google Apps spam and junk email will no longer be managed via a separate application, but is managed using the functionality within the Google Mail application itself. Thus, you will no longer receive daily quarantine email messages – instead spam and junk email will show as unread mail in your Spam (Gmail) or Junk E-mail (Outlook) folder in your email client.

Email Incorrectly Marked as Spam or Missed Spam

In the unlikely event of email addressed to you being falsely identified as spam, you can whitelist the sender by following the instructions listed here.

Unfortunately some spam emails will still get through. You can blacklist those senders by following instructions listed here.

Phishing Email

Phishing is an attempt to criminally and fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Banks are common targets.

Do NOT enter your details. If for some reason you have looged in to such a site change your password immediately. If this was to an attack on the Uni Domain your account may get locked (for 12 hours) in which case you will need to contact the Service Desk on ext. 4008.

The University of Waikato Email Guidelines

Gmail allows for an unparalleled flexibility and capacity: all you need is a web browser and internet access, and you’ll be tapped into all the features that set Gmail apart from other email services. With great collaboration applications included, projects can be coordinated and tackled with ease.

As part of the agreement between the University of Waikato and Google, your email has enhanced privacy, security and comes with full ITS (Information & Technology Services) support.

Great features and benefits of Gmail:

Store – 25 GB of storage space. You will never have to delete any email ever again. Keep everything you want.
Organise – conversations, labeling, and filtering make your inbox intuitive.
Search – just Google it! Use keywords to search your mailbox. 
Less spam – Gmail blocks spam before it gets to your inbox
Conversation view – messages are grouped with the relevant responses, so you can always see messages in context.
On the go – access Gmail from your phone – regardless of which device you use.

Email Address

All students get access to email when they enrol. Your email address will be your username, followed by (e.g. [email protected])

Because Google hosts this account, there’s no expiry date. You’ve got it as long as you want it, this also includes your Google Drive that is attached to your student email account, even after you’ve left the University.

Accessing Your Email

You can check your email through the web interface (Webmail) by going to

The University has accepted the standard Google terms and conditions which include reference to its privacy policy. To access your Gmail account you will need to read and accept the following terms and conditions, and understand the privacy policy.

Mailbox Size

Students have over 25 GB of space available in their mailbox. You can check the size/usage by looking at the bottom of the screen when in the web client.

Forwarding Mail

We do not forward emails. Students set their own forwarding and filters through the Gmail web client.


You can get help on how to use Gmail and Google Apps at these pages: