When you become eligible to apply to graduate, an email inviting you to submit an application will be sent to your student email address during the week prior to applications opening. Once applications open you will then be able to see the “Your graduation application” link within your eVision student portal.
You can choose whether to graduate in person or in absentia. If you choose to graduate in person then you will attend the ceremony, and your degree or diploma will be presented to you on stage during the ceremony.
If you choose to graduate in absentia, you will not attend the ceremony. Your name will be listed in the ceremony booklet but it will not be read out during the ceremony. Your diploma certificate will be sent to you by courier following the ceremony.
You are not able to graduate in absentia outside of an official graduation ceremony.
Graduation marks your admission to the full and permanent membership of the University. It is also an opportunity for you to mark the completion of your studies and to celebrate your success with your family, friends, and the University community.
Applying to graduate
To ensure that you receive your emailed invitation, please either check your student email address regularly, or else set up email forwarding to your preferred email address.
If your student email address is forwarded to a Hotmail or other Microsoft email account, please ensure that you have followed the instructions contained in the link below to add the University of Otago to your Safe senders or white list. This is vital to ensure that you receive emails about your graduation. If you are unsure if your email address is a Microsoft account, please click on the link below to check the list of affected email providers.
While we endeavour to contact everyone who is eligible to apply to graduate, it is vital that you monitor the Opening and Closing Dates for Applications section of our webpages. If your invitation has not been received by the time that applications open, contact the Graduation Office immediately.
Each round of graduation ceremonies has a specific time-frame during which applications can be made. The onus is on you to submit an application during this time-frame.
You must submit an application even if you do not wish to attend a graduation ceremony.
How to add the University of Otago to your Safe senders or white list
Further information about Applying to Graduate
Graduation Ceremony dates
To graduate either in person or in absentia at one of the ceremonies listed below, you must submit an application via your eVision student portal.
Each round of ceremonies has a set time-frame during which applications will be accepted, as detailed in the “Opening and Closing Dates for Applications” section below.
The venue for all ceremonies is the Dunedin Town Hall.
Saturday 15 August 2020 at 3:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Science, Applied Science,Biomedical Sciences, Physical Education, Surveying,Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine, Medical Laboratory Science,Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, and Radiation Therapy |
Saturday 29 August 2020 at 3:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Arts, Education, Music, Teaching,Theology, Law, Commerce,and the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences |
Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 1:00pm | – | Acknowledgment ceremony for May 2020 graduates |
Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 4:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in all disciplines(overflow from other ceremonies) |
Saturday 12 December 2020 at 1:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Physiotherapy, and MB ChB |
Saturday 12 December 2020 at 4:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Dentistry, Medicine (except MB ChB),Medical Laboratory Science, and Pharmacy |
Wednesday 16 December 2020 at 1:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Arts, Music, Theology, and BASc |
Wednesday 16 December 2020 at 4:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Science |
Saturday 19 December 2020 at 1:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Applied Science, Physical Education,Surveying, Biomedical Sciences, Health Sciences,Education, and Teaching |
Saturday 19 December 2020 at 4:00pm | – | Degrees and diplomas in Commerce, and Law |
Opening and closing dates for applications
Please read the information below along with the information contained on our Applying to Graduate page.
General information
As there is a limit to the number of people who can graduate in person at each ceremony, the closing date may be brought forward if this limit is reached before the closing date. Please apply promptly to avoid disappointment.
There is no limit to the number of people who can graduate in absentia, but your application must be received by the closing date.
Each round of graduation ceremonies has a specific time-frame during which applications can be made, as detailed below. The onus is on you to submit an application during this time-frame. We are unable to accept late applications.
Information about applying
When you become eligible to apply to graduate, an email inviting you to submit an application will be sent to your student email address during the week prior to applications opening. If your invitation has not been received by the time that applications open, contact the Graduation Office immediately.
Once applications have opened if you are unable to see the “Your graduation application” link, contact the Graduation Office immediately.
Please ensure that you check your student email account regularly, or else set up forwarding to your preferred email address.
If your student email address is forwarded to a Hotmail or other Microsoft email account, please ensure that you have added the University of Otago to your Safe senders or white list. This is vital to ensure that you receive emails about your graduation.
further information about applying to graduate
December 2020
Applications to graduate in person or in absentia at a ceremony to be held in December 2020 will open on Monday 21 September and will close on Monday 5 October. Late applications are unable to be accepted.
Choosing your graduation date
While you can choose whether to graduate in December, May or August, you should graduate at the ceremony allocated to your discipline. If you are to receive two qualifications which would normally be awarded at separate ceremonies, you may choose one ceremony at which you will receive both.
Permission to change to a ceremony other than the one allocated to your discipline, is granted only to allow you to graduate at the same ceremony as a close family member or where circumstances beyond your control will prevent you from graduating at your allocated ceremony.
If you want to change your graduation date you must apply by emailing the Group Leader, Graduation, outlining your situation. Where possible, you should also provide supporting documentation. There is no guarantee that permission will be granted.
Please note that having flights booked for the wrong date, or wishing to graduate with friends, are not considered to be sufficient reasons for changing your graduation date.