University Of Otago Address

Electronic addresses (including email accounts, instant messaging services, or telephone accounts) published on this page are for the sole purpose of contact with the individuals concerned, in their capacity as officers, employees or students of the University of Otago, or their respective organisation. Publication of any such electronic address is not to be taken as consent to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages by the address holder.

Dunedin Campus general contact info

Main Campus

362 Leith Street
North Dunedin
Dunedin 9016

Postal address

PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

Phone, fax, email

Tel +64 3 479 7000
Tel 0800 80 80 98 (within New Zealand)
Fax +64 3 479 8692
Email [email protected]

Dunedin School of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy

Tel +64 3 479 1200

Auckland Campus general contact information

Tel +64 9 373 9700
Fax +64 9 373 9701
Email [email protected]

University of Otago House
385 Queen Street
Auckland 1010

Christchurch Campus general contact information

University of Otago, Christchurch

Tel +64 3 364 0530
Email [email protected]

PO Box 4345
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand

2 Riccarton Avenue
Christchurch Centre
Christchurch 8011
New Zealand

Invercargill Campus general contact information

College of Education Southland Campus

Tel +64 3 211 6724
Email [email protected]

100 Nelson Street
Invercargill 9812

Health Sciences Southland Study Hub

Tel +64 3 218 1949 ext 48212
Email [email protected]

Education Building
Southland Hospital Campus
Kew Road
Invercargill 9812

Top of page

Wellington Campus general contact information

Wellington Liaison Office

Tel +64 4 460 9805
Fax +64 4 460 9801
Email [email protected]

PO Box 400
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Level 5
Lambton Centre
117 Lambton Quay
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

University of Otago, Wellington

Tel +64 4 385 5541
Fax +64 4 389 5725
Email [email protected]

PO Box 7343
Wellington 6242
New Zealand

23A Mein Street
Wellington South 6021
New Zealand

University operators

The University of Otago telephone operators are available 8:30am–5pm Monday–Friday (New Zealand time).

Dialling telephone numbers

Dunedin campus

Any four-digit telephone number on the Otago Campus may be direct dialled by calling +64 3 479plus the extension number.

You can call +64 3 479 1100 and ask for the staff member required. This service is available 8:30am–5pm Monday–Friday.

Dunedin Hospital

Extensions on the Dunedin Campus suffixed with an ‘H’ are located within Dunedin Hospital.

Please call +64 3 474 0999 and ask for the extension number required. This service is available 24 hours a day throughout the year.

Christchurch Campus

On the Christchurch Campus, those numbers beginning with ‘80’ or ‘81’ can be direct dialled by dialling +64 3 364 followed by the last four digits of the extension number.

Or call +64 3 364 6530 and ask for the appropriate extension number.

Wellington Campus

On the Wellington Campus, for those numbers beginning ‘55’, ‘58’, or ‘59’, you may direct dial these by dialling +64 4 385 followed by the last four digits of the extension number.

Or call +64 4 385 5541 and ask for the appropriate extension number.

Auckland Campus

On the Auckland Campus, please dial the number shown prefixed by +64 9 373 followed by the last four digits of the extension number.

New Zealand Relay

A service for website users that are Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Deafblind, Speech Impaired, or a standard phone user: