The Diploma in Horticulture is a designed to introduce students to a broad range of topics associated with horticultural technology, production and management. Students also have the opportunity to develop applied computing and problem solving skills.
The Diploma study programme is prescribed (ie all courses are compulsory) and comprises of eight courses covering computing, propagation, horicultural management system, soils, plants studies and engineering.
The Diploma is also offered off-campus for part-time study but only at two sites: Nelson and Tauranga. To find out more about off-campus delivery, please view the Regional Diploma information on our website.
Practical Work
A period of Practical Work is a requirement of this qualification and full details are available in the handbook.
A summary of requirements is provided:
• 12 weeks in total on at least two different types of horticultural units.
Please contact the Practical Work Co-ordinator for further information [email protected] or phone +64 3 423 0061.
Compulsory Courses
BIOS 022 Plant Health
COMP 021 Computing and Communication
ENGN 023 Engineering I
HORT 022 Propagation and Nursery
MGMT 026 Horticultural Management Systems A
MGMT 027 Horticultural Management Systems B
PLSC 021 Plant Studies
SOSC 021 Soils and Soil Management