University Of The 3 Age Canterbury

Canterbury & District U3A is a lively and growing organisation with over 1600 members living locally. If you would like to join us just read our Join the U3A page to find out how, or visit us in our Orange St office where our office volunteers, whose pictures are shown here, will be pleased to talk to you during office open hours.

About the U3A
Our group is one of 1000 U3As in the UK. U3A stands for the University of the Third Age, but it is not a university in the academic sense; no qualifications are involved. Members are retired or semi-retired people who meet together to learn new things just for the fun of it. Our current programme has over 100 courses in members’ homes and venues throughout the district. See the Courses page for details and how to apply. Our Events page tells you about our walks, talks, social events and more.

You can browse our courses on a new, specially constructed website. Details about applications are in the personalised email sent to members and in the paper brochure posted out to you. To find out more follow this link to the Main Programme 2019-20 microsite.

More about us
Newsletters are regularly sent to all Members and give details of our activities. You can access electronic copies by visiting our Publications page.
We strongly encourage all who join to actively assist us in achieving the above objectives by giving courses, helping with the administration, hosting courses etc. To learn more please click on the link How I can help.
Send us your questions and suggestions by emailing our Business Secretary. We would love to hear what you have enjoyed or how we can improve. We will get back to you.

Why is it always Canterbury?
To find the answer visit Our Research Group page.

Come on in!
If you are interested in becoming a member, let us know via our Join the U3A page. Or come and chat with us at our Orange St office.