The University Of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship

A Scholarship to recognise and reward exceptional students, who have excellent academic records and demonstrated leadership potential and who are enrolling full-time in the first year of an undergraduate degree.

About the scholarship

Application status: Apply now
Applicable study: First year of full-time study for an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Auckland     
Opening date: 1 July
Closing date: 2 September
Tenure: One year
For: Accommodation and study assistance
Number on offer: Up to 250
Offer rate: Annually
Value: $20,000 comprising a guaranteed funded place in University of Auckland catered accommodation and two lump sum payments (see Regs. 2 & 3)The Scholarship was established in 2016 and is funded by the University of Auckland.

The main purpose of the Scholarship is to recognise and reward exceptional academic performance combined with outstanding sporting, artistic, cultural and / or leadership achievements. The provision of University accommodation is designed to provide the best student experience and promote excellent academic outcomes.


How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible to apply. Then click on the “Apply now” button and complete the online application form. We recommend you check the form early in case a reference or endorsement is required to support your application, and to familiarise yourself with the form. All sections (including request sections) must be completed by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.Apply now

Help and support

You can find answers to your questions about scholarships, awards and prizes on the University’s online help and support centre, AskAuckland.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, contact our Student Support Team.

  • For questions about a particular scholarship, award or prize, please include the exact name.
  • For scholarships or awards closing within the next three days, please mark your enquiry as urgent.

Technical issues or errors

  • For technical issues or errors, the most common fix is to clear your internet browser cache. Then try again.
  • If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please send a screen shot of the page showing the error message or issue, and any details you can, to our Student Support Team.


Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.

University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships

Awarded to exceptional students, who have excellent academic achievement and demonstrated leadership potential.


$20,000 paid in the first year.

This scholarship also includes a guaranteed place in a Hall of Residence.

For detailed information about the scholarship value and accommodation components, visit The University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship regulations.

Am I eligible for this scholarship?

Assessment criteria includes:

  • The number of Excellence credits you attained at NCEA Level 2 or 3 last year, or your CIE average from last year, or your predicted score for IB for this year
  • Whether you competed in the finals of academic, sporting or arts competitions
  • Whether you held senior leadership positions at school
  • If you have been awarded a community-based honour
  • If you have been selected by an outside agency or trust to attend leadership training or personal development programme 
  • If you have provided academic mentoring to other students

Personal factors

The University of Auckland is a committed to providing a safe, inclusive and equitable study environment for all students who have the potential to succeed in a university of high international standing.

The Top Achiever Scholarship acknowledges that some talented students may face barriers to entry and takes into account if you:

  • are the first in your family to attend university;
  • are from a refugee background; or
  • have a disability.

The University also has a rigorous process for reviewing all applications, and ensuring scholarship recipients are drawn from secondary schools across New Zealand.

Apply for the University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship

Ready to apply? Download a copy of the regulations and check that you are eligible before you start your application.

When you are ready, click on the blue “Apply here” button on the University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship application page and complete the online application form.

Applications open on Wednesday 1 July and close at 5pm on Wednesday 2 September 2020.