Postgraduate Scholarships

These are the scholarships at postgraduate level currently administered by Universities NZ.

Before starting an application intending applicants should make sure that they satisfy the eligibility criteria and are familiar with the area of study and the objectives of the scholarship.

Applications usually open four months before the closing date.  

In using the Universities NZ online application system to apply for a scholarship, applicants are confirming that they have read, understood and accept University NZ’s Privacy Notice and Scholarships Appeals Policy.


Auckland Council Research Scholarship in Urban Economics

To support and encourage postgraduate research into urban economics that has relevance to local government in New Zealand, and to Auckland in particular.

Apply online
Applications open: 1 October
Applications close: 1 February

Auckland Medical Aid Trust Scholarship

This scholarship is currently under assessment. The trustees have advised that it will not be offered in 2020 for studies in 2021. When further information is available this website will be updated.

BayTrust Bruce Cronin Scholarship

Relevant to the Bay of Plenty area.  Postgraduate study at masters or doctoral level in Mathematics, Science or Information Technology.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 October
Applications close: 1 February

Bing’s Scholarship

Medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, psychology, psychiatry or theology study at Masters level.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October

The Claude McCarthy Fellowships

There are two application rounds each year.  Please refer to the regulations.  Only Fellowships in Category A are open for application.
Apply online
Applications close: April and October – check the online application system for exact dates.

Commonwealth Scholarships to New Zealand for Applicants from Canada and the United Kingdom.

Under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) a number of doctoral scholarships are being offered by New Zealand.

The New Zealand CSFP Committee is pleased to offer eight awards – one funded by and to be taken up at each of the eight universities in New Zealand:

  •  the University of Auckland
  •  Auckland University of Technology
  •  the University of Waikato
  •  Massey University
  •  Victoria University of Wellington
  •  the University of Canterbury
  •  Lincoln University
  •  the University of Otago

This programe is not offered in 2020.

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarships

Full details of the scope, application process, and application deadlines are available on the DAAD website

The Dick & Mary Earle Scholarship in Technology

Innovation and product development and/or bioprocess technology.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 May
Applications close: 1 September

The Edward & Isabel Kidson Scholarship

Physics or a combination of physics and mathematics, or meteorology; or some other branch of science.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October 

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships at Harvard University

Any discipline – Harvard University only.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 July
Applications close: 1 November

FMB Reynolds Scholarship in Law to Oxford

Law at the University of Oxford only.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 November
Applications close: 28 February

Freyberg Scholarship (New Zealand Defence Scholarships)

Areas relevant to national security in the widest sense of that term.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October

Gordon Watson Scholarship

To study international relationships or social and economic conditions at a university overseas.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 December
Applications close: 1 April

The Henry Kelsey Research Scholarship

Muscular function, including the causes and treatment of muscular dysfunction.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October

The Judith Clark Memorial Fellowships

To assist recent music graduates undertake a special short term project that will have long term benefits for their future careers as musicians.

There is more information about the Judith Clark Memorial Fund here.

This scholarship is not being offered in 2020. It will re-open for applications in 2021.

Apply online
Round One
Applications open: 15 April
Applications close: 15 August
Round Two
Applications open: 15 October
Applications close: 15 February (the following year)

Kia Ora Foundation Patricia Pratt Music Scholarship

Classical music performance including vocal or instrumental performance or conducting.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 November
Applications close: 1 March

Kiwi Music Scholarship

Classical instrumental performance (including vocal performance) or conducting.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 November
Applications close: 1 March

LB Wood Scholarship

For study at a university in the UK in any discipline.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 December
Applications close: 1 April

New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Scholarship

Postgraduate research in Law that encompasses the wider objectives of the NZ Law Foundation and that will protect and promote the interests of the public in relation to legal matters in New Zealand.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 November
Applications close: 1 March

Prince of Wales’ Cambridge International Scholarship

A doctoral degree in any discipline at Cambridge University.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October

Pukehou Poutū

Agricultural or silvicultural sciences.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 June
Applications close: 1 October

Rhodes Scholarships for New Zealand

Applications for the Rhodes Scholarships for 2021 will open on 1 June 2020.

Applications must be made using the online application system which is here.

Applications will close on Thursday 1 August 2020.

Shirtcliffe Fellowship

A doctoral degree in any discipline.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 December
Applications close: 1 April

Tertiary Education Union (TEU) Crozier Scholarship

This scholarship is being reviewed by the TEU and is currently not open for applications. When further information is available this website will be updated.

William Georgetti Scholarship

A field important to the social, cultural or economic development of New Zealand.
Apply online
Applications open: 1 October
Applications close: 1 February

Woolf Fisher Scholarship

Three or four years postgraduate research at Cambridge University leading to a doctoral degree or equivalent. Refer to the regulations.

This scholarship is not being offered in 2020. It will re-open for applications in 2021.

Apply online 
Applications open: 1 April
Applications close: 1 August