Nedbank 1 Month Loan

Nedbank 1 Month Loan

At times your business needs some cashflow flexibility – while you’re waiting for payments to come in, you need to make payments of your own. A Nedbank overdraft facility is the ideal solution, providing working capital finance and unlocking cashflow.

An overdraft facility helps you to grow your business by:

  • providing the flexibility to borrow or repay as and when your cashflow allows; 
  • making funds accessible quickly and easily through a variety of mechanisms; and 
  • calculating debit interest on the daily used amount only.

Get the most out of your banking with an overdraft. You get:

  • easy access with electronic banking, ATMs and debit cards; 
  • competitive, risk-based pricing; and 
  • immediate access – as soon as your current account is active, you can apply for an overdraft facility and, once approved and the preagreed conditions are met, the facility is made available immediately.